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subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorScientific American

Electronic Health Records Face Human Hurdles More Than Technological Ones
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Electronic Health Records Face Human Hurdles More Than Technological Ones

In medicine, there's the patient and there's the chart. And the chart is paper.

The Anti-Predictor: A Chat with Mathematical Sociologist Duncan Watts
From ACM Opinion

The Anti-Predictor: A Chat with Mathematical Sociologist Duncan Watts

The Yahoo! Labs scientist and author explains why the "law of the few" is bunk, why history is full of failed hedgehogs, and why we can't make good predictions...

Keep the Internet Fair
From ACM Opinion

Keep the Internet Fair

The government's net neutrality compromise fell flat. Here's a simple fix.

Gadget Politics: Why Tech Fans Share the Love and Hate
From ACM Opinion

Gadget Politics: Why Tech Fans Share the Love and Hate

I’ve been a consumer technology critic for over 10 years. During that time, hate mail has been part of my job every day.

From ACM Opinion

Long Live the Web: A Call For Continued Open Standards and Neutrality

The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperity—and even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defending.

A Q&A With a PARC Pioneer Reflecting on 'the Office of the Future' 40 Years Later
From ACM Opinion

A Q&A With a PARC Pioneer Reflecting on 'the Office of the Future' 40 Years Later

Palo Alto Research Center research fellow David Biegelsen, who has been at Xerox's legendary R&D lab from the beginning, reflected on being at the forefront of...

From ACM Opinion

Connecting with an Internet Pioneer, 40 Years Later

Forty years ago—on December 5, 1969—the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) connected four computer network nodes at the University...

From ACM Opinion

Connecting with an Internet Pioneer, 40 Years Later

Forty years ago—on December 5, 1969—the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) connected four computer network nodes at the University...
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