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Crapware Won't Crap Out
From ACM Opinion

Crapware Won't Crap Out

For a few years now, I've been expecting to write an obituary for crapware. Or not an obit, exactly—I was hoping to dance on its grave.

Instead of 'dead Dropping,' Petraeus and Broadwell Should Have ­sed These Email Security Tricks
From ACM Opinion

Instead of 'dead Dropping,' Petraeus and Broadwell Should Have ­sed These Email Security Tricks

Having an extramarital affair in 2012 is not an easy task if you’re the chief of the world’s most renowned spy agency.

Should a Calendar App Look Like a Calendar?
From ACM Opinion

Should a Calendar App Look Like a Calendar?

This week, Apple fired Scott Forstall, its longtime chief of mobile software. In the wake of the shake-up—which reportedly had to do with Forstall's refusal to for...

The Flop That Saved Microsoft
From ACM Opinion

The Flop That Saved Microsoft

It wasn't very easy to get my hands on a Zune. After Microsoft's long-pitied music player wonSlate's Reader Takeover poll—in which I'd promised to reassess an overlooked...

Can We Trust Voting Machines?
From ACM Opinion

Can We Trust Voting Machines?

Last week, a congressional report claimed that using Chinese telecommunications companies’ goods and services in the United States could threaten national security...

The Chinese Steve Jobs Is Probably a Pirate
From ACM Opinion

The Chinese Steve Jobs Is Probably a Pirate

When discussing innovation, the Chinese like to tout the country’s "Four Great Inventions"—paper, gunpowder, the compass, and woodblock printing—and their enormous...

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone
From ACM News

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone

Like many of Apple's inventions, the iPhone began not with a vision, but with a problem.

Samsung Defeats Apple (in South Korea and Japan)
From ACM Opinion

Samsung Defeats Apple (in South Korea and Japan)

Did Samsung really steal Apple’s innovations? It all depends on where you live.

Why Drone Pilots Deserve Medals
From ACM Opinion

Why Drone Pilots Deserve Medals

The escalating dependence on drone pilots, as Maj. Dave Blair agonized in the May-June issue ofAir & Space Power Journal, is undercutting the ability to award combat...

Obama Was Right: The Government Invented the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Obama Was Right: The Government Invented the Internet

Earlier this month, President Obama argued that wealthy business people owe some of their success to the government's investment in education and basic infrastructure...

Marissa Mayer Is in Over Her Head
From ACM Opinion

Marissa Mayer Is in Over Her Head

One evening in the spring of 1999, Marissa Mayer got a recruiting email from a tiny search company. "I was in a long-distance relationship at the time, so I was...

­gly Buttons
From ACM Opinion

­gly Buttons

I can't figure out how to watch my brother's TV. He's explained it to me a hundred times, but that's the curse of the baby-sitting uncle: It's harder to work a...

How To Make a Viral Hit in Four Easy Steps
From ACM Opinion

How To Make a Viral Hit in Four Easy Steps

Last Wednesday, BuzzFeed's Jack Shepherd published an irresistible piece called, "21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity." The post is exactly as...

Can America Ever Have Another 'sputnik Moment'?
From ACM Opinion

Can America Ever Have Another 'sputnik Moment'?

In his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Obama declared, "This is our generation's Sputnik moment." Sputnik was the satellite that the Soviets had launched...

What Fearmongers Get Wrong About Cyberwarfare
From ACM Opinion

What Fearmongers Get Wrong About Cyberwarfare

Should we worry about cyberwarfare? Judging by excessively dramatic headlines in the media, very much so. Cyberwarfare, the argument goes, might make wars easier...

What Does Facebook's $100 Billion Ipo Mean For You?
From ACM Opinion

What Does Facebook's $100 Billion Ipo Mean For You?

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Machines Shouldn't Grade Student Writing
From ACM Opinion

Machines Shouldn't Grade Student Writing

In 2002, Indiana rolled out computer scoring of its 11th grade state writing exam.

Is It Time To Stop Trusting Google?
From ACM Opinion

Is It Time To Stop Trusting Google?

Was Google's snooping on home Wi-Fi users the work of a rogue software engineer? Was it a deliberate corporate strategy? Was it simply an honest-to-goodness mistake...

Welcome to the Microsoft Store
From ACM Opinion

Welcome to the Microsoft Store

Three years ago, shortly after Microsoft announced that it would launch its own retail stores, I offered the company some unsolicited advice: Copy Apple "relentlessly...

The Troll Toll
From ACM Opinion

The Troll Toll

When hospitals come upon a technology with a proven track record of saving lives, you'd expect a flood of investment to expand its use, and a race by manufacturers...
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