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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorThe Atlantic

How Computers Are Creating a Second Economy Without Workers
From ACM Opinion

How Computers Are Creating a Second Economy Without Workers

When the disappointing jobs numbers were reported last week (employers added 120,000 jobs in March, about half the number reported in the two previous months),...

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun
From ACM TechNews

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun

Information technology is changing the way nations wage war, with philosophical and ethical perspectives struggling to keep pace with those changes.  

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun
From ACM Opinion

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun

From state-sponsored cyberattacks to autonomous robotic weapons, 21st century war is increasingly disembodied.

The Holy Cosmos: The New Religion of Space Exploration
From ACM Opinion

The Holy Cosmos: The New Religion of Space Exploration

Think about how you feel when you see the Earth from space or the Apollo astronauts walking on the moon.

From ACM Opinion

Life in the Age of Extremes

The Internet causes connections to multiply and strengthen, creating a frenzy of positive feedback, which can drive people apart—not together.

From ACM Opinion

On the Latest Google Chinese-Hacking News

Thanks to many people who have written in asking whether the recent Google announcement of a new China-based wave of attacks on Gmail accounts is related to the...

Are You Following a Bot?
From ACM Opinion

Are You Following a Bot?

How to manipulate social movements by hacking Twitter.

From ACM Opinion's Brooks Jackson on Overcoming Motivated Skepticism

Once upon a time, before the age of the Internet, we lived in a world of "many economists." If a newspaper reporter was writing a story on inflation, for instance...

Eric Schmidt: What I Read
From ACM Opinion

Eric Schmidt: What I Read

What I read varies widely based on what kind of information I’m looking for at the time.

Eric Schmidt: What I Read
From ACM Opinion

Eric Schmidt: What I Read

What I read varies widely based on what kind of information I’m looking for at the time.

Mind vs. Machine
From ACM News

Mind vs. Machine

In the race to build computers that can think like humans, the proving ground is the Turing Test—an annual battle between the world’s most advanced artificial...

From ACM Opinion

The Anthropology of Hackers

A "hacker" is a technologist with a love for computing and a "hack" is a clever technical solution arrived through a non-obvious means. It doesn't mean to compromise...

School For Hackers
From ACM Opinion

School For Hackers

The do-it-yourself movement revives learning by doing.

From ACM Opinion

Robots vs. Suicide Terrorists

In February 2008, a pair of suicide bombers struck the Israeli town of Dimona. One of the attackers detonated his explosive vest, killing an Israeli, and injuring...
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