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subjectInformation Systems
authorThe New York Times

Stopping Whatsapp Won't Stop Terrorists
From ACM Opinion

Stopping Whatsapp Won't Stop Terrorists

Is the ability to send encrypted messages making it hard to stop terrorists?

The Cyberthreat ­nder the Street
From ACM Opinion

The Cyberthreat ­nder the Street

Within the last year there have been 16 so-called fiber cuts in the San Francisco Bay Area.

From Army of One to Band of Tweeters
From ACM Opinion

From Army of One to Band of Tweeters

It was the end of a long combat patrol near a district called Adhamiyah, in northwest Baghdad, in the fall of 2008.

Cassini Seeks Insights to Life in Plumes of Enceladus, Saturn’s Icy Moon
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Cassini Seeks Insights to Life in Plumes of Enceladus, Saturn’s Icy Moon

Where there is water, is there life?

European Ruling Is Merely a Symbolic Victory For Privacy
From ACM Opinion

European Ruling Is Merely a Symbolic Victory For Privacy

A decision on Tuesday by the European Union’s highest court, striking down an agreement between the E.U. and the United States that allows companies like Facebook...

Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.
From ACM Opinion

Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.

College students tell me they know how to look someone in the eye and type on their phones at the same time, their split attention undetected.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love A.i.
From ACM Opinion

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love A.i.

The distinction between man and machine is under siege.

Robot Weapons: What's the Harm?
From ACM Opinion

Robot Weapons: What's the Harm?

Last month over a thousand scientists and tech-world luminaries, including Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and Steve Wozniak, released an open letter calling for a global...

When Phone Encryption Blocks Justice
From ACM Opinion

When Phone Encryption Blocks Justice

In June, a father of six was shot dead on a Monday afternoon in Evanston, Ill., a suburb 10 miles north of Chicago.

With Google as Alphabet, a Bid to Dream Big Beyond Search
From ACM Opinion

With Google as Alphabet, a Bid to Dream Big Beyond Search

Shortly after its founding, Google posted a document on its site called "Ten things we know to be true," an effort to distill its unusual corporate culture into...

'right to Be Forgotten' Online Is Poised to Spread
From ACM Opinion

'right to Be Forgotten' Online Is Poised to Spread

More than a year ago, in a decision that stunned many American Internet companies, Europe's highest court ruled that search engines were required to grant an unusual...

The Web-Connected Car Is Cool, ­ntil Hackers Cut Your Brakes
From ACM Opinion

The Web-Connected Car Is Cool, ­ntil Hackers Cut Your Brakes

When the history of the connected car is written, this week may go down as a pivotal moment for consumers worried about security.

Google Search Chief Amit Singhal Talks Searching Apps
From ACM Opinion

Google Search Chief Amit Singhal Talks Searching Apps

Amit Singhal, Google's search chief, has spent the past 15 years creating the miracle that is the Google search box.

What Apple's Tim Cook Overlooked in His Defense of Privacy
From ACM Opinion

What Apple's Tim Cook Overlooked in His Defense of Privacy

Timothy D. Cook, Apple's chief executive, delivered a speech last week that raised some eyebrows in the technology industry.

A Murky Road Ahead For Android, Despite Market Dominance
From ACM Opinion

A Murky Road Ahead For Android, Despite Market Dominance

In 2005, Google bought a tiny mobile software company named Android, and almost nobody in the technology industry saw its potential—not even Eric Schmidt, Google's...

Behind the Downfall at Blackberry
From ACM Opinion

Behind the Downfall at Blackberry

Ever since Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis stepped down as co-chairmen and co-chief executives of BlackBerry, neither has spoken much in public about the once-dominant...

Why Robots Will Always Need ­S
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Will Always Need ­S

"Human beings are ashamed to have been born instead of made," wrote the philosopher Günther Anders in 1956. Our shame has only deepened as our machines have grown...

Moore's Law Turns 50
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Moore's Law Turns 50

On April 19, 1965, just over 50 years ago, Gordon Moore, then the head of research for Fairchild Semiconductor and later one of the co-founders of Intel, was asked...

'rise of the Robots' and 'shadow Work'
From ACM Opinion

'rise of the Robots' and 'shadow Work'

In the late 20th century, while the blue-collar working class gave way to the forces of globalization and automation, the educated elite looked on with benign condescension...

The Illegal Phone-Data Sweeps
From ACM Opinion

The Illegal Phone-Data Sweeps

There is a lot to praise in the powerful ruling issued by a three-judge federal appeals panel in New York on Thursday, which held that the government's vast, continuing...
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