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authorThe Wall Street Journal

Ibm Ceo Candidate Talks About His Rise
From ACM News

Ibm Ceo Candidate Talks About His Rise

Rodney C. Adkins oversees 50,000 employees and is responsible for $18 billion in revenue as senior vice president and group executive for systems and technology...

The Cop on the Cyber Beat
From ACM Opinion

The Cop on the Cyber Beat

Homeland Security's Bruce McConnell on the government's role in helping companies fight online attacks.

In 'cars 2,' John Lasseter Says Big Oil Is the 'uber Bad Guy'
From ACM Opinion

In 'cars 2,' John Lasseter Says Big Oil Is the 'uber Bad Guy'

"Cars 2" director John Lasseter talked with The Wall Street Journal in his office at the Emeryville headquarters of Pixar Animation Studios, where he is chief...

Google Missed 'friend Thing'
From ACM News

Google Missed 'friend Thing'

Google Inc. executive chairman Eric Schmidt said one of his biggest failures as chief executive of the search giant over the last decade was grappling with the...

A Day With John Lasseter, King of Pixar
From ACM Opinion

A Day With John Lasseter, King of Pixar

In today's hyper-networked world, where anyone can reach anybody at any time, John Lasseter is something of an anachronism. Though he is routinely armed with...

Take IT Out of the IT Department
From ACM Opinion

Take IT Out of the IT Department

It's time to reverse the trend of centralized information technology that has been the hallmark of most companies for at least 10 years. Control of IT shouldn't...

Why I Don't Want an Ipad For Christmas
From ACM Opinion

Why I Don't Want an Ipad For Christmas

Everyone wants an iPad this Christmas, right?

From ACM News

Google Goes to the Cloud For New Idea in Pc System

In the personal-computer industry, where things change fast, one fact has been a constant for years: There are two major, mainstream operating systems for consumers...

In the Grip of the New Monopolists
From ACM Opinion

In the Grip of the New Monopolists

Do away with Google? Break up Facebook? We can't imagine life without them—and that's the problem.

From ACM Opinion

What Apple's Ipad Means For Your Wallet

Staying Afloat in Today's Crowded Talent Pool
From ACM CareerNews

Staying Afloat in Today's Crowded Talent Pool

Bob Damon (pictured), president of North America for executive search firm Korn/Ferry International, explains how senior IT professionals can find new job opportunities...
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