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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Applications
authorThe Washington Post

Coming Technology Will Likely Destroy Millions of Jobs. Is Trump Ready?
From ACM Opinion

Coming Technology Will Likely Destroy Millions of Jobs. Is Trump Ready?

American manufacturing job losses to China and Mexico were a major theme of the presidential campaign, and President Trump has followed up on his promise to pressure...

We Rely on the Government For Lots of Data. What Happens to That in the Trump Era of 'alternative Facts'?
From ACM Opinion

We Rely on the Government For Lots of Data. What Happens to That in the Trump Era of 'alternative Facts'?

During the first 24 hours of the Trump administration, the new White House took a clear, firm stand against publicly available information.

How to Sit Courtside at a Basketball Game Without Leaving Your Couch
From ACM Opinion

How to Sit Courtside at a Basketball Game Without Leaving Your Couch

One of the promises that virtual reality offered was that we'd all be able to watch "courtside" sports games without having to leave our couches.

'I Don't Intend to Go Crawl Under a Rock': An Exit Interview with FCC Chairman Tom Wheele
From ACM Opinion

'I Don't Intend to Go Crawl Under a Rock': An Exit Interview with FCC Chairman Tom Wheele

If you're familiar with the comedian John Oliver, then you may also remember the man he once memorably called a "dingo." That's Tom Wheeler, the chairman of the...

Robots Won't Kill the Workforce. They'll Save the Global Economy.
From ACM Opinion

Robots Won't Kill the Workforce. They'll Save the Global Economy.

The United Nations forecasts that the global population will rise from 7.3 billion to nearly 10 billion by 2050, a big number that often prompts warnings about...

How Donald Trump Will Dismantle Obama's Internet Legacy
From ACM Opinion

How Donald Trump Will Dismantle Obama's Internet Legacy

President-elect Donald Trump could eviscerate some of the most significant tech policies of the 21st century, all but erasing President Obama's Internet agenda...

Nate Silver Blew It When He Missed Trump. Now He Really Needs to Get It Right.
From ACM Opinion

Nate Silver Blew It When He Missed Trump. Now He Really Needs to Get It Right.

Nate Silver is on the downtown 1 train. Possibly because he looks like a (modestly) hip math teacher, and hardly looks up from his phone, he goes unrecognized until...

Ted Cruz Is Wrong About How Free Speech Is Censored on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Ted Cruz Is Wrong About How Free Speech Is Censored on the Internet

Sen. Ted Cruz wants to engineer a United States takeover of a key Internet organization, ICANN, in the name of protecting freedom of expression.

The Cold War Is Over. The Cyber War Has Begun.
From ACM Opinion

The Cold War Is Over. The Cyber War Has Begun.

Contemplating Russian nuclear threats during the Cold War, the strategist Herman Kahn calibrated a macabre ladder of escalation, with 44 rungs ranging from "Ostensible...

Here's How Russian Hackers Could Actually Tip an American Election
From ACM Opinion

Here's How Russian Hackers Could Actually Tip an American Election

Reports this week of Russian intrusions into U.S. election systems have startled many voters, but computer experts are not surprised.

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'

On a sleek white coffee table in Apple CEO Tim Cook's fourth-floor office in late July, beneath framed posters of Robert F. Kennedy, the Rev. Martin Luther King...

The Brave New World of Robots and Lost Jobs
From ACM Opinion

The Brave New World of Robots and Lost Jobs

Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses...

Microsoft's President Explains the Company's Quiet Legal War For ­ser Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's President Explains the Company's Quiet Legal War For ­ser Privacy

Apple's legal battle over encryption dominated headlines earlier this year, but another tech giant is fighting a quieter legal war over user privacy: Microsoft....

The Real Reason America Controls Its Nukes with Ancient Floppy Disks
From ACM Opinion

The Real Reason America Controls Its Nukes with Ancient Floppy Disks

America's nuclear arsenal depends on a surprising relic of the 1970s that few of us may recall: the humble floppy disk.

Nasa and the Author of 'the Martian' Tell ­s Exactly How We'll Get to Mars
From ACM Opinion

Nasa and the Author of 'the Martian' Tell ­s Exactly How We'll Get to Mars

In "The Martian," Matt Damon plays a NASA astronaut who's been stranded on Mars and has to figure out how to survive until the space agency can devise a daring...

This Top Scientist Offers a Solution For the Havoc Driverless Cars May Wreck on Workers
From ACM Opinion

This Top Scientist Offers a Solution For the Havoc Driverless Cars May Wreck on Workers

Proponents of autonomous vehicles are in a sticky situation.

A Court Is About to Make One of the Most Important Decisions in the History of the Internet
From ACM Opinion

A Court Is About to Make One of the Most Important Decisions in the History of the Internet

If you thought the battle over net neutrality ended when the Federal Communications Commission slapped a series of unprecedented rules on Internet providers last...

The Creepy, Inescapable Advertisements That Could Define Virtual Reality
From ACM Opinion

The Creepy, Inescapable Advertisements That Could Define Virtual Reality

When cookie giant Oreo wanted to promote its latest flavors, its marketing heads decided to spice up its traditional TV ads with something not just new, but otherworldly...

This One Thing Could Hurt Apple's Case in Washington
From ACM Opinion

This One Thing Could Hurt Apple's Case in Washington

Apple's fight with the FBI is widening beyond the courts.

Why Robots and Smart Thermostats Keep America's Spy Chief ­p at Night
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots and Smart Thermostats Keep America's Spy Chief ­p at Night

Some people are already used to having their personal information exposed in massive data breaches.
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