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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorThomas Haigh

How the AI Boom Went Bust
From Communications of the ACM

How the AI Boom Went Bust

Fallout from an exploding bubble of hype triggered the real AI Winter in the late 1980s.

There Was No 'First AI Winter'
From Communications of the ACM

There Was No 'First AI Winter'

Despite challenges and failures, the artificial intelligence community grew steadily during the 1970s.

Conjoined Twins: Artificial Intelligence and the Invention of Computer Science
From Communications of the ACM

Conjoined Twins: Artificial Intelligence and the Invention of Computer Science

How artificial intelligence and computer science grew up together.

Becoming Universal
From Communications of the ACM

Becoming Universal

A new history of modern computing.

Women's Lives in Code
From Communications of the ACM

Women's Lives in Code

Exploring Ellen Ullman's 'Close to the Machine' and AMC's 'Halt and Catch Fire.'

When Hackers Were Heroes
From Communications of the ACM

When Hackers Were Heroes

The complex legacy of Steven Levy's obsessive programmers.

The Immortal Soul of an Old Machine
From Communications of the ACM

The Immortal Soul of an Old Machine

Taking apart a book to figure out how it works.

Actually, Turing Did Not Invent the Computer
From Communications of the ACM

Actually, Turing Did Not Invent the Computer

Separating the origins of computer science and technology.

Software and Souls; Programs and Packages
From Communications of the ACM

Software and Souls; Programs and Packages

How can historians tell stories about software without focusing solely on the code itself?

Seven Lessons From Bad History
From Communications of the ACM

Seven Lessons From Bad History

Journalists, historians, and the invention of email.

From Communications of the ACM

The IBM PC: From Beige Box to Industry Standard

Looking back at three decades of PC platform evolution.
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