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Tetris at 30: An Interview with the Historic Puzzle Game's Creator
From ACM Opinion

Tetris at 30: An Interview with the Historic Puzzle Game's Creator

Thirty years ago today, a little game about dropping geometrically strange thingamajigs — originally clusters of punctuation marks—into neat, lookalike rows kicked...

Every Little Byte Counts
From ACM Opinion

Every Little Byte Counts

In "On What We Can Not Do," a short and pungent essay published a few years ago, the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben outlined two ways in which power operates...

Ordering Google to Forget
From ACM Opinion

Ordering Google to Forget

In a ruling that could undermine press freedoms and free speech, the highest court of the European Union said on Tuesday that Google must comply with requests from...

The Peril of Knowledge Everywhere
From ACM Opinion

The Peril of Knowledge Everywhere

Thanks to advances in technology, we may soon revisit a question raised four centuries ago: Are there things we should try not to know?

The Move Toward Computing That Reads Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

The Move Toward Computing That Reads Your Mind

Like many people in this modern world, I struggle with the tension between the conveniences offered by the latest technology and the loss of privacy that comes...

An Iphone Engineer-Turned-Game Maker Shares His Apple Story
From ACM Opinion

An Iphone Engineer-Turned-Game Maker Shares His Apple Story

A Conversation With Danah Boyd, Author of 'it's Complicated,' About Teenagers Online
From ACM Opinion

A Conversation With Danah Boyd, Author of 'it's Complicated,' About Teenagers Online

Danah Boyd is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, a research assistant professor in Media, Culture and Communication at New York University, and a fellow...

Discovering Two Screens Aren't Better Than One
From ACM Opinion

Discovering Two Screens Aren't Better Than One

For years, techies have argued that getting an extra monitor or two for your desktop computer is an especially effective way to increase personal productivity.

The Future of Internet Freedom
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Internet Freedom

Over the next decade, approximately five billion people will become connected to the Internet.

How I Quit Google
From ACM Opinion

How I Quit Google

I think it was the search for "pink glitter tiny toms" that finally prompted me to quit Google.

Social Media, a Trove of Clues and Confessions
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Social Media, a Trove of Clues and Confessions

It seems as if every week there's a news story about someone committing a crime and confessing to it on Facebook, bragging about it on Twitter or sharing photos...

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role
From ACM Opinion

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role

Q. What leadership lessons have you learned from your predecessor, Steve Ballmer?

The Digital Ties That Bind: Love, Loss and Oversharing in the Internet Age
From ACM Opinion

The Digital Ties That Bind: Love, Loss and Oversharing in the Internet Age

The most serious relationship of my life so far ended last summer without a trace—physically at least.

Bitcoin and the Fictions of Money
From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin and the Fictions of Money

How should we think about a currency like Bitcoin?

Why Bitcoin Matters
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Why Bitcoin Matters

A mysterious new technology emerges, seemingly out of nowhere, but actually the result of two decades of intense research and development by nearly anonymous researchers...

Ann Cavoukian
From ACM Opinion

Ann Cavoukian

Ann Cavoukian is the information and privacy commissioner in Ontario, Canada, and a longtime advocate of default online confidentiality.

When Doctors 'google' Their Patients
From ACM Opinion

When Doctors 'google' Their Patients

I remember when I first looked up a patient on Google.

Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower
From ACM Opinion

Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower

Seven months ago, the world began to learn the vast scope of the National Security Agency's reach into the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the United...

Viewing Where the Internet Goes
From ACM Opinion

Viewing Where the Internet Goes

Will 2014 be the year that the Internet is reined in?

From ACM Opinion

Bits and Barbarism

This is a tale of three money pits.
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