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Apple's 3d Touch Is the Start of a New Interface Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Apple's 3d Touch Is the Start of a New Interface Revolution

If you want to understand the potential of 3D Touch, the new of method of tapping and pressing on the screens of the latest iPhones, forget about the marketing...

How to Get to Mars ... And Maybe Even Live There
From ACM Opinion

How to Get to Mars ... And Maybe Even Live There

There's something about the Red Planet—so close yet so far, inhospitable yet perhaps not totally uninhabitable—that keeps us dreaming about getting there one day...

We're on the Brink of a Revolution in Crazy-Smart Digital Assistants
From ACM Opinion

We're on the Brink of a Revolution in Crazy-Smart Digital Assistants

Here's a quick story you’ve probably heard before, followed by one you probably haven't.

You Can't ­nderstand Security Without These Classic Works
From ACM Opinion

You Can't ­nderstand Security Without These Classic Works

There are seminal books, movies, articles, and more that you've been meaning to get to but just haven't made the time for.

The Amazingly Accurate Futurism of 2001: A Space Odyssey
From ACM Opinion

The Amazingly Accurate Futurism of 2001: A Space Odyssey

The Making of Stanley Kubrick’s "2001: A Space Odyssey" documents in nearly scientific detail exactly that: the story of how the iconic science-fiction film came...

Let's School the Presidential Hopefuls on Cybersecurity
From ACM Opinion

Let's School the Presidential Hopefuls on Cybersecurity

In the build up to the 2016 U.S. election, both Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls are talking about cybersecurity—and specifically state-sponsored...

How Fiction Can Reveal the Horrors of Future Wars
From ACM Opinion

How Fiction Can Reveal the Horrors of Future Wars

The fact that he couldn't feel the drill going into the back of his skull made the noise all the more terrifying.

Why I'm Addicted to Browsing Sepia Photos of Old-School Nyc
From ACM Opinion

Why I'm Addicted to Browsing Sepia Photos of Old-School Nyc

It's not a game or social media site, but is as addictive as Angry Birds and as time consuming as Facebook.

The Martian's Andy Weir Is All Buddy-Buddy with Nasa
From ACM Opinion

The Martian's Andy Weir Is All Buddy-Buddy with Nasa

When sci-fi author Andy Weir went to visit mission control at NASA's Johnson Space Center, the International Space Station was going through a crisis—an air leak...

Leap Motion's Augmented-Reality Computing Looks Stupid Cool
From ACM News

Leap Motion's Augmented-Reality Computing Looks Stupid Cool

We have a habit of filling new technologies with old ideas.

Calculating Pluto's Mass With Snapshots From New Horizons
From ACM Opinion

Calculating Pluto's Mass With Snapshots From New Horizons

As the New Horizons spacecraft is approaching Pluto, it's getting some great shots.

We Should Drop the Leap Second Before It Causes Real Damage
From ACM Opinion

We Should Drop the Leap Second Before It Causes Real Damage

The latest leap second couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Humans Are Tech's Next Big Thing—and That Could Be Risky
From ACM Opinion

Humans Are Tech's Next Big Thing—and That Could Be Risky

Internet companies make billions of dollars by capturing one of the world's most precious commodities: your attention.

Why the Opm Breach Is Such a Security and Privacy Debacle
From ACM Opinion

Why the Opm Breach Is Such a Security and Privacy Debacle

If it's not already a maxim, it should be: Every big hack discovered will eventually prove to be more serious than first believed.

Stop Laughing at Those Clumsy Humanoid Robots
From ACM Opinion

Stop Laughing at Those Clumsy Humanoid Robots

The humanoid robot, built like a linebacker with an oversized head, tiptoes on two feet through the dirt.

I Made an ­ntraceable 'ghost Gun' in My Office—and It Was Easy
From ACM Opinion

I Made an ­ntraceable 'ghost Gun' in My Office—and It Was Easy

This is my ghost gun. To quote the rifleman's creed, there are many like it, but this one is mine.

Looking For Creativity in Brains Will Take More Creativity
From ACM Opinion

Looking For Creativity in Brains Will Take More Creativity

About a decade and a half ago, the neuroscience world got super-stoked about a sexy new way to look at living brains: functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Google's Search ­pdated Will Remake the Web in Its Own Image
From ACM News

Google's Search ­pdated Will Remake the Web in Its Own Image

Some people are calling it Mobilegeddon.

Snowden's 'sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure
From ACM Opinion

Snowden's 'sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure

Edward Snowden appears to have a thing for the late British conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher. And his obsession may even be clouding his famously paranoid...

Here's Google's Secret to Hiring the Best People
From ACM Opinion

Here's Google's Secret to Hiring the Best People

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression" was the tagline for a Head & Shoulders shampoo ad campaign in the 1980s. It unfortunately encapsulates...
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