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How Snapchat Is Sending #MeToo Down the Memory Hole
From ACM Opinion

How Snapchat Is Sending #MeToo Down the Memory Hole

If you have something personal or private to communicate, you know where to turn.

Want Awesome Robots? You'll Have to Best These Challenges
From ACM Opinion

Want Awesome Robots? You'll Have to Best These Challenges

We are living in the midst of a profound technological restructuring of human society. The machines that once only frolicked in science fiction have begun to infiltrate...

Forget the Robot Singularity Apocalypse. Let's Talk About the Multiplicity
From ACM Opinion

Forget the Robot Singularity Apocalypse. Let's Talk About the Multiplicity

For a species that's conquered Earth and traveled through space and invented the Slapchop, we humans sure are insecure when it comes to technology.

Congress Renews Warrantless Surveillance, and Makes It Even Worse
From ACM Opinion

Congress Renews Warrantless Surveillance, and Makes It Even Worse

In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the National Security Agency was legally collecting millions of Americans' phone calls and electronic communications—including...

Even Realistic Videogames Like Call of Duty Won't Help ­S Win Wars
From ACM Opinion

Even Realistic Videogames Like Call of Duty Won't Help ­S Win Wars

Millennials can now storm the beaches of Normandy and fight Nazis with a new level of realism.

The Year the Home Button Died
From ACM Opinion

The Year the Home Button Died

The most convincing lie Steve Jobs ever told was "you already know how to use it."

Don't Get Your Kid an Internet-Connected Toy
From ACM Opinion

Don't Get Your Kid an Internet-Connected Toy

For last-minute shoppers, tech toys hold a special appeal.

Augmented Reality's Real Power Will Come From Substance, Not Flash
From ACM Opinion

Augmented Reality's Real Power Will Come From Substance, Not Flash

Last week the pilot light for my water heater went out. I tried to relight it by following the instructions pasted on the side of the heater, but they were as inscrutable...

Artificial Intelligence Is Killing the ­ncanny Valley and Our Grasp on Reality
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence Is Killing the ­ncanny Valley and Our Grasp on Reality

There's a revolution afoot, and you will know it by the stripes.

Quantum Computing Is the Next Big Security Risk
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Computing Is the Next Big Security Risk

The 20th century gave birth to the Nuclear Age as the power of the atom was harnessed and unleashed.

Bitcoin Mining Guzzles Energy and Its Carbon Footprint Just Keeps Growing
From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin Mining Guzzles Energy and Its Carbon Footprint Just Keeps Growing

A somewhat neglected issue in discussions of bitcoin is the tremendous increase in power consumption used by miners. The rising power required to mine bitcoin conflicts...

Google, Amazon Find Not Everyone Is Ready For AI
From ACM Careers

Google, Amazon Find Not Everyone Is Ready For AI

Executives at ascendant tech titans like Amazon and Google tend to look down on their predecessor IBM.

The Genesis of Kuri, the Friendly Home Robot
From ACM News

The Genesis of Kuri, the Friendly Home Robot

Over the course  of thousands of years, dogs have evolved alongside humans to be awesome.

The Quantum Spy Author David Ignatius on the Future of High-Tech Espionage
From ACM Opinion

The Quantum Spy Author David Ignatius on the Future of High-Tech Espionage

The intersection of quantum computing and espionage may feel like a faraway future. But in his latest novel, David Ignatius, Washington's own John le Carré, tackles...

Ditch All Those Other Messaging Apps: Here's Why You Should ­se Signal
From ACM Opinion

Ditch All Those Other Messaging Apps: Here's Why You Should ­se Signal

Stop me if you've heard this before.

Net States Rule the World; We Need to Recognize Their Power
From ACM Opinion

Net States Rule the World; We Need to Recognize Their Power

"We reject: kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code." So declared MIT professor David D. Clark in 1992.

Workers Displaced By Automation Should Try a New Job: Caregiver
From ACM Opinion

Workers Displaced By Automation Should Try a New Job: Caregiver

Sooner or later, the US will face mounting job losses due to advances in automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics.

Provoking Iran Could Have ­nseen Cyber Consequences
From ACM Opinion

Provoking Iran Could Have ­nseen Cyber Consequences

On Friday, President Trump announced that he will not certify Iran's cooperation with the 2015 nuclear agreement negotiated by the Obama Administration.

Algorithms Have Already Gone Rogue
From ACM Opinion

Algorithms Have Already Gone Rogue

For more than two decades, Tim O'Reilly has been the conscience of the tech industry.

Red-Pilled: My Bizarre Week ­sing the Alt-Right's Vision of the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Red-Pilled: My Bizarre Week ­sing the Alt-Right's Vision of the Internet

Scroll with me here. Somebody named BeatlesBaby makes "a very badass chicken curry." Look, there's a nice sepia-tinted pencil drawing of Ned Stark from Game of...
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