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How Google Copes When Even It Can't Afford Enough Gear
From ACM Opinion

How Google Copes When Even It Can't Afford Enough Gear

Urs Hölzle has a big job.

Who Will Pay For the Future If Not the Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Who Will Pay For the Future If Not the Robots?

RRobots are taking over the world's workforce—and why shouldn't they?

To Make Your Conspiracy Theory Legit, Just Find an 'expert'
From ACM Opinion

To Make Your Conspiracy Theory Legit, Just Find an 'expert'

"MIT Professor Exposes 'Egregious Error' & Evidence Tampering in US Report on Syria Sarin Incident." Pretty good headline, right?

Crispr Creator Jennifer Doudna on the Promises, and Pitfalls, of Easy Genetic Modification
From ACM Opinion

Crispr Creator Jennifer Doudna on the Promises, and Pitfalls, of Easy Genetic Modification

For $150, you can buy a Crispr kit online and use it to engineer heartier gut bacteria in your kitchen.

Facebook's Race to Link Your Brain to a Computer Might Be ­nwinnable
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's Race to Link Your Brain to a Computer Might Be ­nwinnable

"What if you could type directly from your brain?" Regina Dugan said, as the same words appeared on the towering screen behind her, one digital character at a time...

You've Never Heard of Tech Legend Bob Taylor, But He Invented 'almost Everything'
From ACM Opinion

You've Never Heard of Tech Legend Bob Taylor, But He Invented 'almost Everything'

Bill Gates Is Wrong: The Solution to AI Taking Jobs Is Training, Not Taxes
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates Is Wrong: The Solution to AI Taking Jobs Is Training, Not Taxes

Let's take a breath: Robots and artificial intelligence systems are nowhere near displacing the human workforce.

How Steve Wozniak Got Over His Fear of Robots Turning People Into Pets
From ACM Opinion

How Steve Wozniak Got Over His Fear of Robots Turning People Into Pets

Steve Wozniak is one half of Silicon Valley's most prototypical founder's myth.

The Battle For Top AI Talent Only Gets Tougher From Here
From ACM Opinion

The Battle For Top AI Talent Only Gets Tougher From Here

Andrew Ng helped create two of Silicon Valley's leading artificial intelligence labs.

No, Microwave Ovens Cannot Spy on You, For Lots of Reasons
From ACM Opinion

No, Microwave Ovens Cannot Spy on You, For Lots of Reasons

If you've been feeling a little paranoid lately—like even your standing mixer may be spying on you—rest assured that Trump senior counselor Kellyanne Conway shares...

Boston Dynamics' New Rolling, Leaping Robot Is an Evolutionary Marvel
From ACM Opinion

Boston Dynamics' New Rolling, Leaping Robot Is an Evolutionary Marvel

If you're ever feeling down, do yourself a favor and watch some footage from the 2015 Darpa Robotics Challenge.

Face It, Meatsack: Pro Gamer Will Be the Only Job Left
From ACM Opinion

Face It, Meatsack: Pro Gamer Will Be the Only Job Left

Look at economic data closely and the trends aren't pretty: People with elite backgrounds are hoovering up an increasing share of new income and wealth.

The Former Secretary of Defense Outlines the Future of Warfare
From ACM Opinion

The Former Secretary of Defense Outlines the Future of Warfare

To an engineer in Silicon Valley, the Defense Department can look a little old, a little slow, and a little fat.

The AI Threat Isn't Skynet. It's the End of the Middle Class
From ACM Opinion

The AI Threat Isn't Skynet. It's the End of the Middle Class

In February 1975, a group of geneticists gathered in a tiny town on the central coast of California to decide if their work would bring about the end of the world...

Lady Gaga's Halftime Show Drones Have a Bright Future
From ACM Opinion

Lady Gaga's Halftime Show Drones Have a Bright Future

The best Super Bowl halftime shows leave indelible memories, be it a notorious wardrobe malfunction, that goofy Left Shark, or every last second of Beyoncé's two...

Police Could Get Your Location Data Without a Warrant. That Has to End
From ACM Opinion

Police Could Get Your Location Data Without a Warrant. That Has to End

The more we rely on technology, the more detailed a technological footprint we leave behind.

Fake Think Tanks Fuel Fake News, And the President's Tweets
From ACM Opinion

Fake Think Tanks Fuel Fake News, And the President's Tweets

Fake news isn't just Macedonian teenagers or internet trolls.

Connected Devices Give Spies a Powerful New Way to Surveil
From ACM Opinion

Connected Devices Give Spies a Powerful New Way to Surveil

There is little doubt that the web is the greatest gift that any intelligence agency could have ever asked for.

Just in Time For Trump, the Nsa Loosens Its Privacy Rules
From ACM Opinion

Just in Time For Trump, the Nsa Loosens Its Privacy Rules

As the privacy and civil liberty community braces for Donald Trump's impending control of US intelligence agencies like the NSA, critics have called on the Obama...

Bitcoin Will Never Be a Currency; It's Something Way Weirder
From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin Will Never Be a Currency; It's Something Way Weirder

The value of bitcoin surged past $1,000 this week, the first time it has reached such heights since late 2013.
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