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Just in Time For Trump, the Nsa Loosens Its Privacy Rules
From ACM Opinion

Just in Time For Trump, the Nsa Loosens Its Privacy Rules

As the privacy and civil liberty community braces for Donald Trump's impending control of US intelligence agencies like the NSA, critics have called on the Obama...

Bitcoin Will Never Be a Currency; It's Something Way Weirder
From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin Will Never Be a Currency; It's Something Way Weirder

The value of bitcoin surged past $1,000 this week, the first time it has reached such heights since late 2013.

Don't Gut Net Neutrality. It's Good For People and Business
From ACM Opinion

Don't Gut Net Neutrality. It's Good For People and Business

The invention and commercialization of the internet is one of the things that makes America great.

Here's What Happens to Tech in 2017 (unless 2016 Was All a Dream)
From ACM Opinion

Here's What Happens to Tech in 2017 (unless 2016 Was All a Dream)

What does 2017 hold for the world of tech and media?

The Biggest Security Threats Coming in 2017
From ACM Opinion

The Biggest Security Threats Coming in 2017

Whether it was a billion compromised Yahoo accounts or state-sponsored Russian hackers muscling in on the US election, this past year saw hacks of unprecedented...

The Year Encryption Won
From ACM News

The Year Encryption Won

Between the revelations of mega-hacks of Yahoo and others, Russia's meddling in the US electoral system, and the recent spike in ransomware, it's easy to look at...

Dear Mr. Trump: To 'cyber' Better, Try the Blockchain
From ACM Opinion

Dear Mr. Trump: To 'cyber' Better, Try the Blockchain

A massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack took several high-profile websites—Twitter, Amazon, the New York Times, even WIRED—offline in October.

Trump Ignoring ­S Intelligence Creates Risks Beyond Russian Hacking
From ACM Opinion

Trump Ignoring ­S Intelligence Creates Risks Beyond Russian Hacking

Observers and alumni of America's intelligence community have already fretted over Donald Trump's impending control of the world's most powerful spy agencies.

Trump’s Win Signals Open Season for Russia's Political Hackers
From ACM Opinion

Trump’s Win Signals Open Season for Russia's Political Hackers

Yesterday, America elected as president the apparently preferred candidate of Russia's intelligence agencies.

It's Finally Legal To Hack Your Own Devices (even Your Car)
From ACM Opinion

It's Finally Legal To Hack Your Own Devices (even Your Car)

You may have thought that if you owned your digital devices, you were allowed to do whatever you like with them.

Dwarf Planets Aren't Big News, Because Astronomy Is Doing a Great Job
From ACM Opinion

Dwarf Planets Aren't Big News, Because Astronomy Is Doing a Great Job

Last week, astronomers  announced the discovery of DeeDee, a possible dwarf planet. That name—dwarf planet—means it is like Pluto: Massive enough to assume a spherical...

Inside Nat Geo's Incredible Documentary Mission to Mars
From ACM Opinion

Inside Nat Geo's Incredible Documentary Mission to Mars

A spaceship is preparing to land on Mars when the crew notices that one of the thrusters isn’t firing.

I Just Want Nate Silver to Tell Me It's All Going to Be Fine
From ACM Opinion

I Just Want Nate Silver to Tell Me It's All Going to Be Fine

Evan has a habit. He's not ashamed of it, but he doesn't want to reveal too much about himself, lest his colleagues learn how he’s spending so much of his time.

Obama's Concerned an AI Could Hack America's Nukes
From ACM Opinion

Obama's Concerned an AI Could Hack America's Nukes

During his eight years in office, President Barack Obama has seen hackers grow into a threat no president has faced before.

An Ode to the Rosetta Spacecraft as It Flings Itself Into a Comet
From ACM Opinion

An Ode to the Rosetta Spacecraft as It Flings Itself Into a Comet

Today, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft will engage its thrusters for one final maneuver: a suicidal plunge toward the comet it has been orbiting...

The Feds Will Soon Be Able to Legally Hack Almost Anyone
From ACM Opinion

The Feds Will Soon Be Able to Legally Hack Almost Anyone

Digital devices and software programs are complicated. Behind the pointing and clicking on screen are thousands of processes and routines that make everything work...

The Next President Will Decide the Fate of Killer Robots, and the Future of War
From ACM Opinion

The Next President Will Decide the Fate of Killer Robots, and the Future of War

The next president will have a range of issues on their plate, from how to deal with growing tensions with China and Russia, to an ongoing war against ISIS.

At 25, the World Wide Web Is Still a Long Way From Reality
From ACM Opinion

At 25, the World Wide Web Is Still a Long Way From Reality

Twenty-five years ago today, Tim Berners-Lee unleashed the World Wide Web, publishing the first public webpage. Well, maybe.

How One Journalist ­ses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Isis
From ACM Opinion

How One Journalist ­ses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Isis

Rukmini Callimachi is arguably the best reporter on the most impor­tant beat in the world. As a New York Times correspondent covering terrorism, her work explores...

The Doom of Your Memories Doesn't Really Exist
From ACM Opinion

The Doom of Your Memories Doesn't Really Exist

If you played Doom during its heyday in the 90s, I have some disappointing news: it's not as frightening as you remember.
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