From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Incorporating considerations of reasonable pluralism, individual agency, and legitimate authority.
Johannes Himmelreich From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2020
The AI that our top scientists and engineers are now building to advance American security and prosperity could instead sow the seeds of our demise.
The Wall Street Journal From ACM Opinion | December 5, 2019
Evaluating the arguments for and against using digital data derived from security breaches.
David M. Douglas From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2019
There are several things court systems and professional organizations should do to enhance the technical capabilities of judges.
Brookings From ACM Opinion | November 8, 2019
We are heading down the dystopian path. Trolling has become a mainstream form, if not the mainstream form of political discourse.
Wired From ACM Opinion | November 7, 2019
We did not anticipate that the dark side of the Internet would emerge with such ferocity. Or that we would feel an urgent need to fix it.
Los Angeles Times From ACM Opinion | October 29, 2019
California's new law forcing ride-sharing companies to treat their drivers as employees could harm or kill an important new business model.
Scientific American From ACM Opinion | October 25, 2019
How computing platforms and algorithms can potentially either reinforce or identify and address ethnic biases.
Selena Silva, Martin Kenney From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2019
Seeking to change computing teaching to improve computer science.
Mark Guzdial, Alan Kay, Cathie Norris, Elliot Soloway From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2019
Considering the new liability risks for ISPs, search engines, and news aggregators under recent EU-wide mandatory rules.
Pamela Samuelson From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2019
Once, when users called Siri a "slut," the service responded: "I'd blush if I could." Such programming missteps could have been avoided altogether if there were...The Mercury News From ACM Opinion | October 10, 2019
STEM curricula must be enhanced so graduates have a deeper understanding of how their work affects humanity.
Scientific American From ACM Opinion | September 10, 2019
Bill de Blasio, New York City mayor and a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, says that as president he would issue a robot tax for corporations...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 6, 2019
Mobile voting could increase voter participation, but it's plagued by security issues in search of a solution.
Wired From ACM Opinion | September 4, 2019
A new global report ranks 50 tech companies from 12 countries and identifies those at 'highest risk' of putting the world at risk through killer robot development...PAX From ACM Careers | August 22, 2019
A call to preserve the capability of developing the next generation of Internet services.
Eric Goldman From Communications of the ACM | September 1, 2019
Mind-reading systems such as Facebook's brainwave-reading device and Neuralink's brain implants can affect privacy, security, identity, equality and personal safety...DownToEarth From ACM Opinion | August 20, 2019
Following the horrific mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton last weekend, President Trump called on social media companies to develop tools that could help identify...Popular Mechanics From ACM Opinion | August 9, 2019