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Communications of the ACM

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AI Education and Research
From ACM Opinion

AI Education and Research

An interview with's Sebastian Raschka.

There Are Too Few Women in Computer Science and Engineering
From ACM Opinion

There Are Too Few Women in Computer Science and Engineering

The problem is not disinterest; it is the culture of these fields and how they exclude women and girls.

The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety
From ACM Opinion

The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety

Interacting online today means being besieged by system-generated recommendations, but do we want what the machines tell us we want?

 The CHIPS Act Will Not Solve the Chip Shortage
From ACM Opinion

The CHIPS Act Will Not Solve the Chip Shortage

The U.S. is betting billions to spur semiconductor manufacturing.

Artificial Creativity?
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Artificial Creativity?

Models such as DALL-E dissociate ideation from implementation, but do we care?

Data Breaches Involve the Same Stories Again and Again
From ACM Opinion

Data Breaches Involve the Same Stories Again and Again

Only when we learn from them can we make headway in stopping the cycle.

Why Universities Must Resist GPA-based Enrollment Caps in the Face of Surging Enrollments
From Communications of the ACM

Why Universities Must Resist GPA-based Enrollment Caps in the Face of Surging Enrollments

Considering the challenges for universities to adapt their business models to changing student demands.

When Should a Black Box Be Transparent?
From Communications of the ACM

When Should a Black Box Be Transparent?

When is a replacement not a replacement?

An Interview with Dana Scott
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Dana Scott

ACM Fellow and A.M. Turing Award recipient Dana Scott reflects on his career.

An Interview with Dana Scott
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Dana Scott

ACM Fellow and A.M. Turing Award recipient Dana Scott reflects on his career.

Transforming Science through Cyberinfrastructure
From Communications of the ACM

Transforming Science through Cyberinfrastructure

NSF's vision for the U.S. cyberinfrastructure ecosystem for science and engineering in the 21st century.

Computational Thinking in the Era of Data Science
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Thinking in the Era of Data Science

Incorporating data thinking into computer science education.

The U.S. Has a Historic Opportunity to Bridge the Digital Divide
From ACM Opinion

The U.S. Has a Historic Opportunity to Bridge the Digital Divide

Past initiatives did not focus enough on people of color, but here is how to improve.

Matthew Ball on the Metaverse
From ACM Opinion

Matthew Ball on the Metaverse

Leading metaverse theorist shares his thoughts on the sudden rise of the concept, its utility for the enterprise, and what we still get wrong.

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns
From ACM Opinion

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns

The computer vision research community is behind on AI ethics, but it is not just a research problem.

Tech Is Not Representative Government
From ACM Opinion

Tech Is Not Representative Government

And yet, we demand that it protect us.

Could AI Replace Therapists?
From ACM Opinion

Could AI Replace Therapists?

A non-sentient artificial intelligence may be able to offer effective psychotherapy.

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?
From ACM Opinion

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?

A "replication crisis" in mathematics raises questions about the purpose of knowledge.

The Latin of Software Code Is Thriving
From ACM Opinion

The Latin of Software Code Is Thriving

Next time you laugh at musty old tech, remember that new technologies are often built on it.

Software Engineering Lessons
From ACM Opinion

Software Engineering Lessons

Software engineer, consultant, and author Karl Wiegers discusses specific practices based on his 50 years of experience in the industry.
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