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Using Data and Respecting Users
From Communications of the ACM

Using Data and Respecting Users

Three technical and legal approaches that create value from data and foster user trust.

Digital Contact Tracing May Protect Privacy, But It Is Unlikely to Stop the Pandemic
From Communications of the ACM

Digital Contact Tracing May Protect Privacy, But It Is Unlikely to Stop the Pandemic

Considering the potential benefits versus the risks of privacy-enhancing technologies.

Building Software With David Heinemeier Hansson
From ACM Opinion

Building Software With David Heinemeier Hansson

David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails and co-founder of Basecamp, talks about how software is built, what it means for the builders, and how it could...

Just What Cyber Security Executives Don’t Want to Hear: The Skills Shortage is Worsening
From ACM Opinion

Just What Cyber Security Executives Don’t Want to Hear: The Skills Shortage is Worsening

The cyber security skills gap continues to get worse, according to the latest research.

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Julia Programming Language
From ACM Opinion

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Julia Programming Language

Fortran has ruled scientific computing, but Julia emerged for large-scale numerical work.

Nancy Hopkins on Improving Gender Equality in Academia
From ACM Opinion

Nancy Hopkins on Improving Gender Equality in Academia

Amgen Professor of Biology Emerita Nancy Hopkins advocates for more inclusive science and advises how to get there.

Sony CEO Taps His Inner Gamer
From ACM Opinion

Sony CEO Taps His Inner Gamer

Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida discusses the PlayStation maker's "American" comeback, videogames he loves to play, and the reason for Sony's electric ca.

A Holistic View of Future Risks
From Communications of the ACM

A Holistic View of Future Risks

Almost everything is somehow interrelated with everything else—and that should not surprise us.

Sanity vs. Invisible Markings
From Communications of the ACM

Sanity vs. Invisible Markings

Tabs vs. spaces

We Need to Automate the Declaration of <i>Conflicts of Interest</i>
From Communications of the ACM

We Need to Automate the Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

Leveraging existing data sources to improve the declaration and management of authorship conflicts of interest.

Using Computer Programs and Search Problems for Teaching Theory of Computation
From Communications of the ACM

Using Computer Programs and Search Problems for Teaching Theory of Computation

Recognizing the significance of a cornerstone of computer science.

Netflix's Reed Hastings Deems Remote Work 'a Pure Negative'
From ACM Opinion

Netflix's Reed Hastings Deems Remote Work 'a Pure Negative'

Reed Hastings, a founder and co-chief executive of Netflix Inc., discusses working from home, returning to the office, delivering candid feedback, and more.

Q&A: Teradata CTO Stephen Brobst
From ACM Opinion

Q&A: Teradata CTO Stephen Brobst

Stephen Brobst, chief technology officer of Teradata., discusses his career path, his time with customers, storing programs on cassette tape, and more.

Technical Curiosity With a Philosophical Bent
From ACM Opinion

Technical Curiosity With a Philosophical Bent

Rohini Srivathsa, National Technology Officer at Microsoft India, talks about life, ethics, the future, and the power of diversity and inclusion.

Integrating Management Science Into the HPC Research Ecosystem
From Communications of the ACM

Integrating Management Science Into the HPC Research Ecosystem

How management science benefits from High Performance Computing.

Avalanches Make Us All Innovators
From Communications of the ACM

Avalanches Make Us All Innovators

Avalanches generate enormous breakdowns. The practices of innovation adoption may be just what you need to resolve them.

Women in Tech: &#8220;Aptitude has Nothing to Do with Gender or Inborn Capabilities&#8221;
From ACM Opinion

Women in Tech: “Aptitude has Nothing to Do with Gender or Inborn Capabilities”

Women are underrepresented in the tech sector—myth or reality?

Learning the Language of Data Science
From ACM Opinion

Learning the Language of Data Science

Susan Gregurick, director of the Office of Data Science Strategy at the National Institutes of Health,  discusses her views of data science and how data can help...

Automation Imperative Accelerates
From ACM Opinion

Automation Imperative Accelerates

Increased automation—with its ability to significantly boost societal productivity—is needed to help modern nations address seemingly intractable challenges such...

The Impact of AI on Organizations
From ACM News

The Impact of AI on Organizations

Implementing artificial intelligence through the looking glass of digital anthropology.
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