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Communications of the ACM

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From Communications of the ACM

TECHNOLOchicas: A Critical Intersectional Approach Shaping the Color of Our Future

A unique partnership seeks to address the underrepresentation and unique barriers facing Latina women and girls of color in information technology.

Broken Hearts and Coffee Mugs
From Communications of the ACM

Broken Hearts and Coffee Mugs

The ordeal of security reviews.

From Communications of the ACM

Data-Centricity: A Challenge and Opportunity for Computing Education

Rethinking the content of introductory computing around a data-centric approach to better engage and support a diversity of students.

From Communications of the ACM

OMSCS: The Revolution Will Be Digitized

Lessons learned from the first five years of Georgia Tech's Online Master of Science in Computer Science program.

Thorny Problems in Data (-Intensive) Science
From Communications of the ACM

Thorny Problems in Data (-Intensive) Science

Data scientists face challenges spanning academic and non-academic institutions.

Vint Cerf: COVID-19 Highlights How We Need Better Internet Access Everywhere
From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf: COVID-19 Highlights How We Need Better Internet Access Everywhere

Cerf shares his views on the future of the Internet, the importance of trust and empathy, and the impact of new technologies like IoT and AI on the future of communications...

Visa Freeze For STEM Workers: 'We're Cutting Off Our Future'
From ACM Opinion

Visa Freeze For STEM Workers: 'We're Cutting Off Our Future'

Jim Carrington of the Danforth Plant Science Center says President Trump's freeze on green cards and visas for new immigrants will do more harm than good for cities...

Immigration Bans Will Lead to Dumbing Down of the World
From ACM Opinion

Immigration Bans Will Lead to Dumbing Down of the World

Immigrants who came to America for study or employment are more likely to file a patent, publish a scientific paper, start a company, and earn higher wages than...

Why Tech Made Racial Injustice Worse, and How to Fix It
From ACM Opinion

Why Tech Made Racial Injustice Worse, and How to Fix It

The better design of future systems will help overcome current injustices, says Professor Ruha Benjamin of Princeton University.

Formal Methods as a Path to Better Cybersecurity
From ACM Opinion

Formal Methods as a Path to Better Cybersecurity

Any piece of software should be able to provide the desired features, and when errors do occur, the software should handle them gracefully.

Call For a Wake Standard for Artificial Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

Call For a Wake Standard for Artificial Intelligence

Suggesting a Voice Name System (VNS) to talk to any object in the world.

For Impactful Community Engagement
From Communications of the ACM

For Impactful Community Engagement: Check Your Role

Toward a more equitable distribution of the benefits of technological change.

From Communications of the ACM

Proposal: A Market for Truth to Address False Ads on Social Media

Guaranteeing truth in advertising.

The Cyberwar Needs More Women on the Front Lines
From ACM Opinion

The Cyberwar Needs More Women on the Front Lines

Educating girls to be the cybersecurity leaders of tomorrow will help combat criminals who prey on women and children.

H-1B Visas Allow U.S. Companies to Thrive
From ACM Opinion

H-1B Visas Allow U.S. Companies to Thrive

Some longstanding opponents of legal and illegal immigration are using the high unemployment rates stemming from the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to keep necessary...

Kode Vicious Plays in Traffic
From Communications of the ACM

Kode Vicious Plays in Traffic

With increasing complexity comes increasing risk.

Technology Adoption
From Communications of the ACM

Technology Adoption

The S-shaped curve of technology adoption is a welcome recurrence in an otherwise chaotic adoption world.

Studying Programming in the Neuroage
From Communications of the ACM

Studying Programming in the Neuroage: Just a Crazy Idea?

Programming research has entered the Neuroage.

A Case for Cooperation Between Machines and Humans
From ACM Opinion

A Case for Cooperation Between Machines and Humans

A computer scientist argues that the quest for fully automated robots is misguided, perhaps even dangerous. His decades of warnings are gaining more attention. ...

Don't Regulate Artificial Intelligence: Starve It
From ACM Opinion

Don't Regulate Artificial Intelligence: Starve It

The potential dangers of artificial intelligence are great enough to required great care about how powerful we allow it to become.
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