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Democratizing LLMs Needs a Revolution in AI Hardware
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Democratizing LLMs Needs a Revolution in AI Hardware

Hardware barriers must be overcome to make LLMs available to a broader audience.

AI Education and Research
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AI Education and Research

An interview with's Sebastian Raschka.

The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety
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The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety

Interacting online today means being besieged by system-generated recommendations, but do we want what the machines tell us we want?

Artificial Creativity?
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Artificial Creativity?

Models such as DALL-E dissociate ideation from implementation, but do we care?

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns
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AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns

The computer vision research community is behind on AI ethics, but it is not just a research problem.

Could AI Replace Therapists?
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Could AI Replace Therapists?

A non-sentient artificial intelligence may be able to offer effective psychotherapy.

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?
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Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?

A "replication crisis" in mathematics raises questions about the purpose of knowledge.

Can Computers Be Mathematicians?
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Can Computers Be Mathematicians?

Artificial intelligence has bested humans at problem-solving challenges like chess and Go. Is mathematics research next?

Who Is Liable when AI Kills?
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Who Is Liable when AI Kills?

We need to change rules and institutions while still promoting innovation to protect people from faulty AI.

Yann LeCun's Bold New Vision for the Future of AI
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Yann LeCun's Bold New Vision for the Future of AI

One of deep learning's godfathers pulls together old ideas to sketch out a fresh path for AI.

Intro to Model-Free and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
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Intro to Model-Free and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Neuroscientist and author Daeyeol Lee talks reinforcement learning in humans and animals, AI and natural intelligence, and more.

'Sentience' Is the Wrong Discussion to Have on AI Right Now
From ACM Opinion

'Sentience' Is the Wrong Discussion to Have on AI Right Now

A more important conversation would be one about human compatibility and trust.

Google's 'Sentient' Chatbot Is Our Self-Deceiving Future
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Google's 'Sentient' Chatbot Is Our Self-Deceiving Future

The next generation of AI will put the pathetic fallacy on steroids.

Human-Like Programs Abuse Our Empathy
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Human-Like Programs Abuse Our Empathy

It is easy to be fooled by the mimicry, but consumers need transparency about how such systems are used.

It's Time for AI to Retire the Turing Test
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It's Time for AI to Retire the Turing Test

The Turing Test's most troubling legacy is an ethical one: It is fundamentally about deception.

'AI Is Invisible'
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'AI Is Invisible'

Wendy Hall, computer scientist and acting chair of the AI Council, talks about challenging perceptions around AI.

How Smarter AI Will Change Creativity
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How Smarter AI Will Change Creativity

The promise and perils of a breakthrough in machine intelligence.

AI Is Ushering In a New Scientific Revolution
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AI Is Ushering In a New Scientific Revolution

AI is transforming the scientific process, automating and adding to what people can accomplish using it.

Teaching Robots to Help People in Their Everyday Lives
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Teaching Robots to Help People in Their Everyday Lives

An interview with Max Braun of Everyday Robots.

Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You Might Think
From ACM Opinion

Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You Might Think

A close look reveals that the newest systems, including DeepMind's much-hyped Gato, are still stymied by the same old problems.
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