From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Two Boeing 737 Max 8 airplanes have crashed under similar circumstances in the past six months, one in October in Indonesia and the other in Ethiopia last week....The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | March 14, 2019
As you read this, over a million people are in flight. Close to a third of the commercial airplanes in the sky at any given moment are Boeing 737s: it is the best...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | March 12, 2019
At an industry event in Hanover, Maryland last week, former National Security Council cybersecurity policy coordinator and acting Homeland Security Advisor Rob...Ars Technica From ACM Opinion | March 6, 2019
What are your most important tech tools for reporting in Shanghai, especially with a government known for surveillance?
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | March 5, 2019
It is unclear how many intelligent civilizations have arisen in the Milky Way galaxy so far, but if some have, a pressing question comes to mind: Were they or are...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | March 5, 2019
President Donald Trump's trade war with China has left a trail of economic wreckage across American industries from soybean farms to auto manufacturers.
Politico From ACM Opinion | March 4, 2019
Researchers, companies and countries around the world are racing to explore—and exploit—the possibilities of artificial intelligence technology.
The Conversation From ACM News | March 4, 2019
The killer machines are coming. Robotic weapons that target and destroy without human supervision are poised to start a revolution in warfare comparable to the...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | March 1, 2019
The hunt is on for materials that have exotic properties, to enhance quantum computers, touch screens and electronic displays, and to double the efficiency of solar...Nature From ACM Opinion | March 1, 2019
When Bill Gates floated the idea of imposing a tax on robots a couple of years ago, Lawrence Summers, a former top economic adviser to President Barack Obama, called...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 25, 2019
You may have heard that China has cornered much of the world's supply of strategic metals and minerals crucial for new technology, including lithium, rare earths...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 21, 2019
Opportunity, formally known as Mars Exploration Rover B but as Oppy to its many friends and admirers, was pronounced dead on Wednesday after a final round of beamed...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 21, 2019
The founder of Huawei has said there is "no way the US can crush" the company, in an exclusive interview with the BBC.
BBC News From ACM Opinion | February 19, 2019
In his 2008 white paper that first proposed bitcoin, the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto concluded with: "We have proposed a system for electronic transactions without...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 7, 2019
The average person would have to spend 76 working days reading all of the digital privacy policies they agree to in the span of a year. Reading Amazon's terms and...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 7, 2019
From 550 feet in the air, Google's Scott Huffman peers down at the Las Vegas skyline. It's a sunny afternoon in early January and, at the moment, Google owns this...CNET From ACM Opinion | February 6, 2019
In his State of the Union address Tuesday, President Trump promised legislation to invest in "the cutting edge industries of the future." But the speech was characteristically...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 6, 2019
Researchers: Felice Frankel will make photographers of you all. Photography—both macro- and microscopic—is an essential tool in science, because pictures are both...Nature From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2019
The trolls and orcs in The Lord of the Rings films aren't real. The dragons and dire wolves on the hit television show Game of Thrones are simulated. The dinosaurs...Nature From ACM Opinion | January 17, 2019