From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Navigating the ethical and societal impacts of technologies.
Solon Barocas, Asia J. Biega, Margarita Boyarskaya, Kate Crawford, Hal Daumé III, Miroslav Dudík, Benjamin Fish, Mary L. Gray, Brent Hecht, Alexandra Olteanu, Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh, Luke Stark, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, Hanna Wallach, Marion Zepf From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2021
Differential privacy is not a silver bullet for all privacy problems.
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, David Sánchez, Alberto Blanco-Justicia From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2021
Companies must address the difficulty of hiring and retaining high-skilled employees from an increasingly smaller labor supply.
Travis Breaux, Jennifer Moritz From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2021
Advocating a new, physically grounded, computational paradigm centered on thermodynamics and an emerging understanding of using thermodynamics to solve problems...Todd Hylton, Thomas M. Conte, Mark D. Hill From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2021
The locality principle extends beyond computer memories. It teaches us something about being human.
Peter J. Denning From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2021
With 90% of the 2020 U.S. general election ballot contents verifiable by paper, why do only 65% of voters trust the results?
Rebecca T. Mercuri, Peter G. Neumann From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2021
Without a basic understanding of data measures and how they're computed, data-driven vaccine safety and effectiveness messages can become meaningless sound bites...IndyStar From ACM Opinion | May 19, 2021
AI scholar Kate Crawford explores the history of artificial intelligence and its impact on the physical world in her new book, Atlas of AI.
Technology Review From ACM Opinion | April 29, 2021
Mark Kinsella, vice president of engineering at Opendoor Technologies, provides tips on best practices for remote tech interviews.
TechRepublic From ACM Opinion | April 27, 2021
Seeking to rectify the two mutually exclusive ways of comparing computational power — encoding and simulation.
Nachum Dershowitz From Communications of the ACM | May 1, 2021
Data has become a critical source of power, yet remains largely ungoverned. Washington needs to craft new rules.
Foreign Affairs From ACM Opinion | April 19, 2021
The threat that automation poses to humans has been greatly exaggerated, says Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the Stanford Digital Economy Lab and a senior fellow...Workflow From ACM Opinion | March 30, 2021
Seeking to develop a multilingual Wikipedia where content can be shared among language editions.
Denny Vrandečić From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2021