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Communications of the ACM

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Responsible Computing During COVID-19 and Beyond
From Communications of the ACM

Responsible Computing During COVID-19 and Beyond

Navigating the ethical and societal impacts of technologies.

The Limits of Differential Privacy (and Its Misuse in Data Release and Machine Learning)
From Communications of the ACM

The Limits of Differential Privacy (and Its Misuse in Data Release and Machine Learning)

Differential privacy is not a silver bullet for all privacy problems.

Why Computing Students Should Contribute to Open Source Software Projects
From Communications of the ACM

Why Computing Students Should Contribute to Open Source Software Projects

Acquiring developer-prized practical skills, knowledge, and experiences.

The 2021 Software Developer Shortage Is Coming
From Communications of the ACM

The 2021 Software Developer Shortage Is Coming

Companies must address the difficulty of hiring and retaining high-skilled employees from an increasingly smaller labor supply.

Collusion Rings Threaten the Integrity of Computer Science Research
From Communications of the ACM

Collusion Rings Threaten the Integrity of Computer Science Research

Experiences discovering attempts to subvert the peer-review process.

A Vision to Compute like Nature
From Communications of the ACM

A Vision to Compute like Nature: Thermodynamically

Advocating a new, physically grounded, computational paradigm centered on thermodynamics and an emerging understanding of using thermodynamics to solve problems...

Locality and Professional Life
From Communications of the ACM

Locality and Professional Life

The locality principle extends beyond computer memories. It teaches us something about being human.

Aversion to Versions
From Communications of the ACM

Aversion to Versions

Code needs to run anywhere as long as the necessary dependencies can be resolved.

The Risks of Election Believability (or Lack Thereof)
From Communications of the ACM

The Risks of Election Believability (or Lack Thereof)

With 90% of the 2020 U.S. general election ballot contents verifiable by paper, why do only 65% of voters trust the results?

Data Scientists' Important Role in Defeating COVID Vaccine Skepticism
From ACM Opinion

Data Scientists' Important Role in Defeating COVID Vaccine Skepticism

Without a basic understanding of data measures and how they're computed, data-driven vaccine safety and effectiveness messages can become meaningless sound bites...

Stop Talking About AI Ethics. It's Time to Talk About Power
From ACM Opinion

Stop Talking About AI Ethics. It's Time to Talk About Power

AI scholar Kate Crawford explores the history of artificial intelligence and its impact on the physical world in her new book, Atlas of AI.

How to Make the Most of Remote Tech Interviews
From ACM Opinion

How to Make the Most of Remote Tech Interviews

Mark Kinsella, vice president of engineering at Opendoor Technologies, provides tips on best practices for remote tech interviews.

Trustworthy Scientific Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Trustworthy Scientific Computing

Addressing the trust issues underlying the current limits on data sharing.

CS Unplugged or Coding Classes?
From Communications of the ACM

CS Unplugged or Coding Classes?

Perhaps a more appropriate question is 'Why not both'?

The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering
From Communications of the ACM

The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering

Focusing on the human element of remote software engineer productivity.

Let's Be Honest
From Communications of the ACM

Let's Be Honest

Seeking to rectify the two mutually exclusive ways of comparing computational power — encoding and simulation.

Tech in the Post-Pandemic World
From ACM Opinion

Tech in the Post-Pandemic World

Assessing its future, both the bad and the good.

Data Is Power
From ACM Opinion

Data Is Power

Data has become a critical source of power, yet remains largely ungoverned. Washington needs to craft new rules.

Automation and the 'Winner Take Most' Effect
From ACM Opinion

Automation and the 'Winner Take Most' Effect

The threat that automation poses to humans has been greatly exaggerated, says Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the Stanford Digital Economy Lab and a senior fellow...

Building a Multilingual Wikipedia
From Communications of the ACM

Building a Multilingual Wikipedia

Seeking to develop a multilingual Wikipedia where content can be shared among language editions.
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