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Communications of the ACM

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We Are Not Users
From Communications of the ACM

We Are Not Users: Gaining Control Over New Technologies

Seeking a more selective approach to technology usage.

Shaping Ethical Computing Cultures
From Communications of the ACM

Shaping Ethical Computing Cultures

Lessons from the recent past.

Privacy Engineering Superheroes
From Communications of the ACM

Privacy Engineering Superheroes

Privacy engineers are essential to both preventing and responding to organizational privacy problems.

Infrastructure as Code
From ACM Opinion

Infrastructure as Code

Helping software developers use code to access more control over cloud infrastructure assets

Moving Towards Reproducible Machine Learning
From ACM Opinion

Moving Towards Reproducible Machine Learning

Reporting machine learning-based research can help to improve transparency and reproducibility

Will the Cloud Eat Your AI?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Cloud Eat Your AI?

Big cloud providers have a lot going for them when it comes to AI, but are they the only game in town?

Why OpenAI's Codex Won't Replace Coders
From ACM Opinion

Why OpenAI's Codex Won't Replace Coders

Human programmers can actually become more powerful and efficient with Codex

Divide and Conquer
From Communications of the ACM

Divide and Conquer

The use and limits of bisection.

Remaining Connected Throughout Design
From Communications of the ACM

Remaining Connected Throughout Design

Applying the unique experiences of designing technologies for vulnerable communities.

How GitHub COO Erica Brescia Runs the Coding Gold Mines
From ACM Opinion

How GitHub COO Erica Brescia Runs the Coding Gold Mines

Tech leader discusses the state of GitHub's infrastructure, open source software philosophies, and more

Machine Learning Won't Solve Natural Language Understanding
From ACM Opinion

Machine Learning Won't Solve Natural Language Understanding

Data-driven approaches to NLU are psychologically, cognitively, and computationally implausible.

Talking Secure Coding
From ACM Opinion

Talking Secure Coding

Security expert discusses the importance of secure coding, how to improve adoption, best practices, and more

How Open Source Software Shapes AI Policy
From ACM Opinion

How Open Source Software Shapes AI Policy

And why it is largely absent from policy discussions on artificial intelligence

Did DeepMind Just Take a Big Step Toward More Human-Like AI?
From ACM Opinion

Did DeepMind Just Take a Big Step Toward More Human-Like AI?

DeepMind researchers have created software agents that navigate a three-dimensional game world called XLand, where the agents learn from experience, by trial and...

Linux Turns 30: From Bedroom Project to Billions of Devices
From ACM Opinion

Linux Turns 30: From Bedroom Project to Billions of Devices

Linux fellow Greg Kroah-Hartman talks about world domination, what was, and what may be for the kernel

Playing With, and Against, Computers
From Communications of the ACM

Playing With, and Against, Computers

2019 ACM Computing Prize recipient David Silver on developing the AlphaGo algorithm, his fascination with Go, and on teaching computers to play.

AI Ethics
From Communications of the ACM

AI Ethics: A Call to Faculty

Integrating ethics into artificial intelligence education and development.

Whose Smartphone Is It?
From Communications of the ACM

Whose Smartphone Is It?

Should two private companies have complete control over the world's cellphones?

Back of the Envelope
From Communications of the ACM

Back of the Envelope

Back-of-the-envelope calculations are a powerful professional practice.

Women's Lives in Code
From Communications of the ACM

Women's Lives in Code

Exploring Ellen Ullman's 'Close to the Machine' and AMC's 'Halt and Catch Fire.'
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