From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Privacy engineers are essential to both preventing and responding to organizational privacy problems.
Lea Kissner, Lorrie Cranor From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2021
Helping software developers use code to access more control over cloud infrastructure assets
Software Engineering Radio From ACM Opinion | October 22, 2021
Reporting machine learning-based research can help to improve transparency and reproducibility
Nature Computational Science From ACM Opinion | October 22, 2021
Security expert discusses the importance of secure coding, how to improve adoption, best practices, and more
Software Engineering Radio From ACM Opinion | September 10, 2021
DeepMind researchers have created software agents that navigate a three-dimensional game world called XLand, where the agents learn from experience, by trial and...Fortune From ACM Opinion | September 7, 2021
2019 ACM Computing Prize recipient David Silver on developing the AlphaGo algorithm, his fascination with Go, and on teaching computers to play.
Leah Hoffmann From Communications of the ACM | September 1, 2021