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Why We Should Learn the Language of Data
From ACM Opinion

Why We Should Learn the Language of Data

"How can global warming be real when there’s so much snow?" Hearing that question—repeatedly—this past February drove Joseph Romm nuts. A massive snowstorm had...

From ACM Opinion

Today Facebook, Tomorrow the World

With a dizzying array of announcements this week, it seems almost inevitable that the web will become, at least for the near future, an extension of Facebook. Like...

Why Nasa Is Sending a Robot to Space That Looks Like You
From ACM Opinion

Why Nasa Is Sending a Robot to Space That Looks Like You

A humanoid robot will visit space for the first time in September aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery, NASA announced Wednesday. The Robonaut 2, which was co-developed...

From ACM Opinion

Beware the Nsa

Early this year, the big brains at Google admitted that they had been outsmarted. Along with 33 other companies, the search giant had been the victim of a major...

From ACM Opinion

How Movies Activate Your Neural G-Spot

Here’s a typical “date night” with me and Hollywood: I don’t know what I want to see. Neither does Hollywood. But it bangs on my eyeballs and eardrums like Stanley...

From ACM Opinion

'don't Be Evil,' Meet 'spy on Everyone': How the Nsa Deal Could Kill Google

The company once known for its "don't be evil" motto is now in bed with the spy agency known for the mass surveillance of American citizens. The National Security...

Actually, Obama Doesn't Want to Take Over The Internet
From ACM Opinion

Actually, Obama Doesn't Want to Take Over The Internet

A number of people are up in arms about a new bill going through the U.S. Senate that allows President Obama to "take over private networks." Oh no! That would...
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