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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2016

From ACM Opinion

Google Is Listening

Google Is Listening

You know the cliché that if you're not paying for the product, you are the product?

From ACM Opinion

Desperately Seeking the Nobel Prize For Computer Science

Desperately Seeking the Nobel Prize For Computer Science

In its 115-year history, the Nobel Prize has endured just one innovation — the prize for economic sciences. It could use an update. It needs a dedicated prize for computer science.

From ACM Opinion

Would It Be Ethical to Implant False Memories in Therapy?

Would It Be Ethical to Implant False Memories in Therapy?

Take a moment to remember an event that you experienced as a child.

From ACM Opinion

Can a Chatbot Teach You a Foreign Language? Duolingo Thinks So

Can a Chatbot Teach You a Foreign Language? Duolingo Thinks So

Chatbots suck.

From ACM Opinion

The Problem With Google's 'star Trek' Computer

The Problem With Google's 'star Trek' Computer

Google is hoping to develop its Assistant, a Siri-like technology to be included on the company's new smartphones and other products, into something like the computer on "Star Trek."

From Communications of the ACM

The Puzzle of Japanese Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Puzzle of Japanese Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Exploring how Japan's unique mixture of social, educational, and corporate practices influence entrepreneurial activity.

From Communications of the ACM

Universities and Computer Science in the European Crisis of Refugees

Universities and Computer Science in the European Crisis of Refugees

Considering the role of universities in promoting tolerance as well as education.

From Communications of the ACM

Mobile Computing and Political Transformation

Mobile Computing and Political Transformation

Connecting increased mobile phone usage with political and market liberalization.

From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Calipers

Cloud Calipers

Naming the next generation and remembering that the cloud is just other people's computers.

From Communications of the ACM

Risks of Automation: A Cautionary Total-System Perspective of Our Cyberfuture

Risks of Automation

Where automation is inevitable, let's do it right.

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