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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

March 2018

From ACM News

Has Dopamine Got ­s Hooked on Tech?

Has Dopamine Got ­s Hooked on Tech?

In an unprecedented attack of candour, Sean Parker, the 38-year-old founding president of Facebook, recently admitted that the social network was founded not to unite us, but to distract us.

From ACM Opinion

In ­S v. Microsoft, a Decades-Old Law Leaves Few Good Options

In ­S v. Microsoft, a Decades-Old Law Leaves Few Good Options

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in United States v. Microsoft, a case that many observers believe could have significant ramifications for how cloud computing and other technology companies interact with the…

From ACM Opinion

Supreme Court Skeptical of Microsoft's Ireland E-Mail Privacy Claims

Supreme Court Skeptical of Microsoft's Ireland E-Mail Privacy Claims

It is not unusual for tech companies to spar with law enforcement over access to customer data. Most cases, however, do not go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which is where Microsoft found itself Tuesday.

From ACM Opinion

The Limits of Explainability

The Limits of Explainability

When we look at a stack of blocks or a stack of Oreos, we intuitively have a sense of how stable it is, whether it might fall over, and in what direction it may fall.

From Communications of the ACM

Making Security Sustainable

Making Security Sustainable

Can there be an Internet of durable goods?

From Communications of the ACM

Will the Supreme Court Nix Reviews of Bad Patents?

Will the Supreme Court Nix Reviews of Bad Patents?

Considering the longer-term implications of a soon-to-be-decided U.S. Supreme Court case.

From Communications of the ACM

The Computing Profession

The Computing Profession

Taking stock of progress toward a computing profession since this column started in 2001.

From Communications of the ACM

Responsible Research with Crowds: Pay Crowdworkers at Least Minimum Wage

Responsible Research with Crowds

High-level guidelines for the treatment of crowdworkers.

From Communications of the ACM

Ethics Omission Increases Gases Emission

Ethics Omission Increases Gases Emission

A look in the rearview mirror at Volkswagon software engineering.

From Communications of the ACM

Impediments with Policy Interventions to Foster Cybersecurity

Impediments with Policy Interventions to Foster Cybersecurity

A call for discussion of governmental investment and intervention in support of cybersecurity.

From Communications of the ACM

Computational Social Science ≠ Computer Science + Social Data

Computational Social Science ≠ Computer Science + Social Data

The important intersection of computer science and social science.

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