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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2016

From ACM Opinion

How New Technology Is Illuminating a Classic Ethical Dilemma

How New Technology Is Illuminating a Classic Ethical Dilemma

On a pleaant Friday afternoon in April, the grassy quadrangle at the center of the Carnegie Mellon University campus is buzzing with activity.

From ACM Opinion

Dear Apple: Please ­se These Ideas to Modernize the Mac

Dear Apple: Please ­se These Ideas to Modernize the Mac

I took a vacation last month. I traveled some. I read a lot. And I refurbished an old late 2008 MacBook Pro, one of the original aluminum unibody models.

From ACM Opinion

A Strip of Pluto

A Strip of Pluto

I know, that image above doesn't look like much, does it? But go ahead, click it. I dare you.

From ACM Opinion

Kevin Kelly on Soft Singularity and Inevitable Tech Advances

Kevin Kelly on Soft Singularity and Inevitable Tech Advances

Kevin Kelly knows technology can't be stopped.

From ACM Opinion

To Beat the Blues, Visits Must Be Real, Not Virtual

To Beat the Blues, Visits Must Be Real, Not Virtual

Imagine being stranded on a desert island with a roof over your head and sufficient provisions—but no human contact other than what you can get from your smartphone.

From ACM Opinion

The Snowden Effect: Privacy Is Good For Business

The Snowden Effect: Privacy Is Good For Business

On June 6, 2013, Edward Snowden—holed up in a Hong Kong hotel room with two Guardian reporters and a filmmaker—told the world about a secret surveillance program that let the US National Security Agency grab people's emails,…

From ACM Opinion

Elegy For the Capital-I Internet

Elegy For the Capital-I Internet

We've long stopped referring to the Internet as "the information superhighway," but there was a reason for the metaphor.

From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Yale Patt

An Interview with Yale Patt

ACM Fellow Professor Yale Patt reflects on his career in industry and academia.

From Communications of the ACM

Privacy Is Dead, Long Live Privacy

Privacy Is Dead, Long Live Privacy

Protecting social norms as confidentiality wanes.

From Communications of the ACM

A Byte Is All We Need

A Byte Is All We Need

A teenager explores ways to attract girls into the magical world of computer science.

From Communications of the ACM

Computer Science Should Stay Young

Computer Science Should Stay Young

Seeking to improve computer science publication culture while retaining the best aspects of the conference and journal publication processes.

From Communications of the ACM

What Are You Trying to Pull?

What Are You Trying to Pull?

A single cache miss is more expensive than many instructions.

From Communications of the ACM

How to Produce Innovations

How to Produce Innovations

Making innovations happen is surprisingly easy, satisfying, and rewarding if you start small and build up.

From Communications of the ACM

The Risks of Self-Auditing Systems

The Risks of Self-Auditing Systems

Unforeseen problems can result from the absence of impartial independent evaluations.

From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: Finding New Directions in Cryptography

Q&A: Finding New Directions in Cryptography

Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman on their meeting, their research, and the results that billions use every day.

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