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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2021

From ACM Opinion

L. Peter Deutsch on the Fallacies of Distributed Computing

L. Peter Deutsch on the Fallacies of Distributed Computing

How relevant are the fallacies today?

From ACM Opinion

If You Don't Trust A.I. Yet, You're Not Wrong

If You Don't Trust A.I. Yet, You're Not Wrong

Americans have good reason to be skeptical of artificial intelligence

From ACM Opinion

Embodied AI, Superintelligence, and the Master Algorithm

Embodied AI, Superintelligence, and the Master Algorithm

What will take us from potential to reality in the next 18 months?

From ACM Opinion

Taxing Digital Advertising Could Help Break Up Big Tech

Taxing Digital Advertising Could Help Break Up Big Tech

A novel approach to rein in the largest technology companies, encourage competition and innovation, and help democracy

From ACM Opinion

Mentorship, Sponsorship Are Crucial for Advancing STEM Inclusion

Mentorship, Sponsorship Are Crucial for Advancing STEM Inclusion

A conversation with Charlotte Owens explores providing opportunities and giving back

From ACM Opinion

Low-Code Development Could Boost AI Adoption

Low-Code Development Could Boost AI Adoption

Artificial intelligence is hard, but low-code options might make it much easier

From ACM Opinion

Let the Linux Kernel Rust

Let the Linux Kernel Rust

Rust is creeping into the Linux kernel, which could mean a very important step forward in terms of security.

From ACM Opinion

Why So Many Young People Hate STEM Courses

Why So Many Young People Hate STEM Courses

A high school senior recounts why she almost gave up on her dream of becoming a scientist

From ACM Opinion

The Question Medical AI Can't Answer

The Question Medical AI Can't Answer

It's unable to tell us why it came to a particular decision—and that's crucial information

From ACM Opinion

The Privacy Battle that Apple Isn't Fighting

The Privacy Battle that Apple Isn't Fighting

California has begun enforcing a browser-level privacy setting, but you still can't find that option in Safari or iOS

From ACM Opinion

Why Artificial Intelligence Isn't Intelligent

Why Artificial Intelligence Isn't Intelligent

The term "artificial intelligence" alone fuels confusion and hype, say some experts

From Communications of the ACM

A European Union Approach to Regulating Big Tech

A European Union Approach to Regulating Big Tech

Considering a new regulatory proposal for addressing digital market competition concerns.

From Communications of the ACM

What Does Saying That 'Programming Is Hard' Really Say, and About Whom?

What Does Saying That 'Programming Is Hard' Really Say, and About Whom?

Shifting the focus from the perceived difficulty of learning programming to making programming more universally accessible.

From Communications of the ACM

In Praise of the Disassembler

In Praise of the Disassembler

There is much to be learned from the lower-level details of hardware.

From Communications of the ACM

Responsible AI: Bridging From Ethics to Practice

Responsible AI

Recommendations for increasing the benefits of artificial intelligence technologies.

From Communications of the ACM

Science Needs to Engage With Society: Some Lessons From COVID-19

Science Needs to Engage With Society

Recent experiences toward communicating science to the general public.

From Communications of the ACM

The Domestic Computer Science Graduate Students Are There, We Just Need to Recruit Them

The Domestic Computer Science Graduate Students Are There, We Just Need to Recruit Them

Proven practices to recruit domestic computer science graduate students.

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