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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2012

From ACM Careers

Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You

Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You

In the spring of 2004, during my senior year of college, I faced a hard decision about my future career.

From ACM Opinion

Do Patent and Copyright Law Restrict Competition and Creativity Excessively?

Do Patent and Copyright Law Restrict Competition and Creativity Excessively?

To evaluate optimal patent protection for an invention, one has to consider both the cost of inventing and the cost of copying; the higher the ratio of the former to the latter, the greater the optimal patent protection for the…

From ACM News

Apple Designs the Future

Apple Designs the Future

It’s impossible to look anywhere these days without noticing how profoundly Apple has influenced design and computing interfaces.    

From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Gave the Mars Rover Its Eyes

Meet the Man Who Gave the Mars Rover Its Eyes

Iconic pictures from the latest mission to the Red Planet are coming courtesy of space-imaging expert Michael Malin.

From ACM Opinion

How Can We Make Devices Better? By Studying What People Actually Do

How Can We Make Devices Better? By Studying What People Actually Do

Many new technologies are based on what companies and designers seem to think their users might want to do, or what they envision them wanting to do, but not as many are based on what people actually do, Ellen Isaacs told attendees…

From Communications of the ACM

Reflecting on the Facebook IPO

Reflecting on the Facebook IPO

Exploring some factors that reflect a company's worth.

From Communications of the ACM

The Foresight Saga, Redux

The Foresight Saga, Redux

Short-term thinking is the enemy of the long-term future.

From Communications of the ACM

The Goldilocks Estimate

The Goldilocks Estimate

Balancing two extremes in project estimation.

From Communications of the ACM

A Nice Piece of Code

A Nice Piece of Code

Colorful metaphors and properly reusing functions.

From Communications of the ACM

Computing as If Infrastructure Mattered

Computing as If Infrastructure Mattered

Understanding the technical and social fundamentals of the computing infrastructure is essential in the continuously evolving technological realm.

From Communications of the ACM

The Tyranny of the Clock

The Tyranny of the Clock

Promoting a clock-free paradigm that fits everything learned about programming since Turing.

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