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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2020

From ACM Opinion

Seriously, Stop Trying to Teach Toddlers How to Code

Seriously, Stop Trying to Teach Toddlers How to Code

There are other, more important lessons to impart to your preschooler.

From ACM Opinion

How Ransomware Puts Your Hospital at Risk

How Ransomware Puts Your Hospital at Risk

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the potential consequences of cyberattacks are terrifying.

From ACM Opinion

Building Software With David Heinemeier Hansson

Building Software With David Heinemeier Hansson

David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails and co-founder of Basecamp, talks about how software is built, what it means for the builders, and how it could be done differently.

From ACM Opinion

Just What Cyber Security Executives Don’t Want to Hear: The Skills Shortage is Worsening

Just What Cyber Security Executives Don’t Want to Hear: The Skills Shortage is Worsening

The cyber security skills gap continues to get worse, according to the latest research.

From ACM Opinion

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Julia Programming Language

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Julia Programming Language

Fortran has ruled scientific computing, but Julia emerged for large-scale numerical work.

From ACM Opinion

Nancy Hopkins on Improving Gender Equality in Academia

Nancy Hopkins on Improving Gender Equality in Academia

Amgen Professor of Biology Emerita Nancy Hopkins advocates for more inclusive science and advises how to get there.

From Communications of the ACM

Self-Driving Vehicle Technology: Progress and Promises

Self-Driving Vehicle Technology

Seeking the answer to the elusive question, 'Are we there yet'?

From Communications of the ACM

A Holistic View of Future Risks

A Holistic View of Future Risks

Almost everything is somehow interrelated with everything else—and that should not surprise us.

From Communications of the ACM

Sanity vs. Invisible Markings

Sanity vs. Invisible Markings

Tabs vs. spaces

From Communications of the ACM

Using Computer Programs and Search Problems for Teaching Theory of Computation

Using Computer Programs and Search Problems for Teaching Theory of Computation

Recognizing the significance of a cornerstone of computer science.

From Communications of the ACM

We Need to Automate the Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

We Need to Automate the Declaration of <i>Conflicts of Interest</i>

Leveraging existing data sources to improve the declaration and management of authorship conflicts of interest.

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