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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

October 2021

From ACM Opinion

Computer Science Education Is a Global Challenge

Computer Science Education Is a Global Challenge

Analysis in the Brookings report shows a correlation between a country's economic position and implementation of computer science in schools.

From ACM Opinion

Avoiding AI's Bad Reputation

Avoiding AI's Bad Reputation

AI-based advertising models 'give tech a bad name,' says Autodesk CEO Andrew Anagnost

From ACM Opinion

What's Missing from the Push to Diversify Tech?

What's Missing from the Push to Diversify Tech?

Focusing on hiring pipelines or career pathways alone won't solve tech's diversity and inclusion problems.

From ACM Opinion

Where Computing Might Go Next

Where Computing Might Go Next

The future of computing depends in part on how we reckon with its past

From ACM Opinion

Wall Street Doesn't Care about the Facebook Leaks, but Mark Zuckerberg Does

Wall Street Doesn't Care about the Facebook Leaks, but Mark Zuckerberg Does

Facebook's numbers are doing fine for now, but not its reputation

From ACM Opinion

How to Expand and Improve CS Education Around the World

How to Expand and Improve CS Education Around the World

Six recommendations to take CS education to scale at primary and secondary school levels

From ACM Opinion

How AI Is Reinventing What Computers Are

How AI Is Reinventing What Computers Are

Three key ways artificial intelligence is changing what it means to compute

From ACM Opinion

Programming Hate into AI Will Be Controversial, but Possibly Necessary

Programming Hate into AI Will Be Controversial, but Possibly Necessary

For a created consciousness to make value judgments, both liking and disliking functions must be part of the system.

From ACM Opinion

Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code

Helping software developers use code to access more control over cloud infrastructure assets

From ACM Opinion

Moving Towards Reproducible Machine Learning

Moving Towards Reproducible Machine Learning

Reporting machine learning-based research can help to improve transparency and reproducibility

From ACM Opinion

In Favor of More Science Communication by AI Researchers

In Favor of More Science Communication by AI Researchers

Those developing AI should do more to fix the misunderstanding, hype, and misinformation that surrounds it

From ACM Opinion

The Uselessness of Useful Knowledge

The Uselessness of Useful Knowledge

Today's powerful but little-understood AI breakthroughs echo past examples of unexpected scientific progress

From ACM Opinion

Transparency Can Help Fix Social Media—if Anyone Can Define It

Transparency Can Help Fix Social Media—if Anyone Can Define It

Transparency promises users more insight into and power over social media services, but also signals how much we must figure out

From ACM Opinion

SEC Isn't Hurting Crypto Innovation, Says Industry Leader

SEC Isn't Hurting Crypto Innovation, Says Industry Leader

Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin says SEC Chair Gensler may need greater authority over crypto industry

From ACM Opinion

'Small Data' Is Also Crucial for Machine Learning

'Small Data' Is Also Crucial for Machine Learning

The most promising AI approach you've never heard of doesn't need to go big

From ACM Opinion

The Facebook Whistleblower Won't Change Anything

The Facebook Whistleblower Won't Change Anything

Whistleblowing keeps the limelight on one person instead of the movements already doing the work.

From ACM Opinion

Facebook Whistleblower Sophie Zhang Has a Message for the Tech Press, Too

 Facebook Whistleblower Sophie Zhang Has a Message for the Tech Press, Too

Zhang came forward with allegations against Facebook long before Frances Haugen, so why has it taken so long for people to listen?

From ACM Opinion

Facebook Uses Deceptive Math to Hide Its Hate Speech Problem

Facebook Uses Deceptive Math to Hide Its Hate Speech Problem

The company claims its AI is amazing at removing harmful content, but internal documents suggest the algorithm is ineffective

From ACM Opinion

Pentagon Wants AI to Predict Events Before They Occur

Pentagon Wants AI to Predict Events Before They Occur

AI-enabled platforms are expected to offer strategic warning of adversarial actions prior to any irreversible moves having been made

From ACM Opinion

Meta Learning and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Meta Learning and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Stanford professor Chelsea Finn talks about robotics and meta learning research

From ACM Opinion

How Congress' Parade of Tech Hearings Totally Lost the Plot

How Congress' Parade of Tech Hearings Totally Lost the Plot

Political theater has replaced anything resembling achievement

From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Should Fear Death as Much as We Do

Why Robots Should Fear Death as Much as We Do

To gain full artificial general intelligence, perhaps machines need to fear their own mortality

From ACM Opinion

The FDA Should Better Regulate Medical Algorithms

The FDA Should Better Regulate Medical Algorithms

Most do not require the agency's approval, and those that do often don't require clinical trial

From ACM Opinion

Which Crypto Platform Will Rule Them All?

Which Crypto Platform Will Rule Them All?

Can Ethereum remain the crypto platform of choice for developers?

From ACM Opinion

Instagram Isn't the Only Social Media That's Hurting Girls

Instagram Isn't the Only Social Media That's Hurting Girls

Researchers and reporters have been documenting social media's harmful effects on kids prior to whistleblower Frances Haugen's testimony

From ACM Opinion

Americans Need a Bill of Rights for an AI-Powered World

Americans Need a Bill of Rights for an AI-Powered World

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is developing principles to guard against powerful technologies—with input from the public

From ACM Opinion

Supersized AIs: Are Truly Intelligent Machines Just a Matter of Scale?

Supersized AIs: Are Truly Intelligent Machines Just a Matter of Scale?

Gigantic neural networks that write with remarkable fluency have led to suggestions that scaling up will usher in ultimately true machine intelligence

From ACM Opinion

The DOJ Wants Companies to Admit Their Cybersecurity Problems

The DOJ Wants Companies to Admit Their Cybersecurity Problems

Agency plans to use Civil War-era "Lincoln Law" to enforce cybersecurity disclosure

From ACM Opinion

The Challenges of Regulating Cryptocurrency

The Challenges of Regulating Cryptocurrency

The S.E.C. has yet to set clear rules on cryptocurrencies, leaving the industry guessing. Maybe that's how the agency wants it.

From ACM Opinion

Will the Cloud Eat Your AI?

Will the Cloud Eat Your AI?

Big cloud providers have a lot going for them when it comes to AI, but are they the only game in town?

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