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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2020

From ACM Opinion

Imagine a World Without Apps

Imagine a World Without Apps

Video games are inching away from apps. Maybe every other industry can, too.

From ACM Opinion

Why Is North Korea So Good at Cybercrime?

Why Is North Korea So Good at Cybercrime?

North Korea has moved quickly to expand its cyber capabilities, and Kim Jong Un himself has reportedly equated the importance of developing cyber capabilities to that of nuclear power.

From ACM Opinion

Your Computer Isn't Yours

Your Computer Isn't Yours

It's here. The world that Richard Stallman predicted in 1997. The one Cory Doctorow also warned us about. Did you notice?

From ACM Opinion

AI Pioneer Geoff Hinton: 'Deep Learning Is Going to Be Able to Do Everything'

AI Pioneer Geoff Hinton: 'Deep Learning Is Going to Be Able to Do Everything'

Thirty years ago, Geoffrey Hinton's belief in neural networks was contrarian. Now it's hard to find people who disagree with him.

From ACM Opinion

Quantum Computing Pioneer Warns of Complacency over Internet Security

Quantum Computing Pioneer Warns of Complacency over Internet Security

Nature talks to Peter Shor 25 years after he showed how to make quantum computations feasible — and how they could endanger our data.

From Communications of the ACM

Digital Contact Tracing May Protect Privacy, But It Is Unlikely to Stop the Pandemic

Digital Contact Tracing May Protect Privacy, But It Is Unlikely to Stop the Pandemic

Considering the potential benefits versus the risks of privacy-enhancing technologies.

From Communications of the ACM

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege

Reviewing the most significant changes recommended in the recently released U.S. Copyright Office Section 512 Study.

From Communications of the ACM

Using Data and Respecting Users

Using Data and Respecting Users

Three technical and legal approaches that create value from data and foster user trust.

From Communications of the ACM

It Is Time for More Critical CS Education

It Is Time for More Critical CS Education

By which 'critical' means an intellectual stance of skepticism, centering the consequences, limitations, and unjust impacts of computing in society.

From Communications of the ACM

Where Should Your IT Constraint Be?: The Case of the Financial Services Industry

Where Should Your IT Constraint Be?

Locating the strategic location of the IT junction constraint.

From Communications of the ACM

Reason-Checking Fake News

Reason-Checking Fake News

Using argument technology to strengthen critical literacy skills for assessing media reports.

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