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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2022

From ACM Opinion

The False Promise of America's CHIPS Act

The False Promise of America's CHIPS Act

It is doubtful that large subsidies and government management will keep U.S. chip makers on top.

From ACM Opinion

Adam Dymitruk on Event Modeling

Adam Dymitruk on Event Modeling

Exploring the event-modeling approach to discovering requirements and designing software systems.

From ACM Opinion

Three Key Takeaways from Meta's Galactica AI

Three Key Takeaways from Meta's Galactica AI

We should look at Galactica's initial failure as another scientific experiment, one that can bring us one step closer to success.

From ACM Opinion

Yoshua Bengio: The Past, Present, and Future of Deep Learning

Yoshua Bengio: The Past, Present, and Future of Deep Learning

2018 ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient discusses his career, collaborations, deep learning's promise, and directions for the field.

From ACM Opinion

The 'End of Crypto'? Not So Fast

The 'End of Crypto'? Not So Fast

The trust lost in the FTX debacle will take years to rebuild, but it is certainly not the end of crypto.

From ACM Opinion

Should Quantum Computing Be on IT’s Strategic Roadmap?

Should Quantum Computing Be on IT’s Strategic Roadmap?

Quantum computing is far from being a mature technology, but now is the time to pencil it into IT strategic roadmaps.

From ACM Opinion

Why Synthetic Data Is Key to Paving the Way for Smart Cities

Why Synthetic Data Is Key to Paving the Way for Smart Cities

Synthetic data helps in projects that place heavy demand on data.

From ACM Opinion

More Crypto Regulation Is Needed—Now

More Crypto Regulation Is Needed—Now

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission must use the FTX collapse to get clear about the rules and regulations that govern the crypto ecosystem.

From ACM Opinion

Why Don't Robots Have Rights? A Lawyer's Response

 Why Don't Robots Have Rights? A Lawyer's Response

Robots are hardware and software packages that lack a nature or any abilities outside of whatever their designers imagine.

From ACM Opinion

Why Don't Robots Have Rights?

 Why Don't Robots Have Rights?

In the future, people may look back with horror at how humans treated AI in the 21st century.

From ACM Careers

Fix Tech Staffing with Rightsizing, not Layoffs

Fix Tech Staffing with Rightsizing, not Layoffs

With the latest downturn in the tech industry, analysts urge for rightsizing rather than laying off IT staff.

From ACM Opinion

How AI Is Generating a Tech Industry Upturn

How AI Is Generating a Tech Industry Upturn

We have a whole new era of exuberance on our hands.

From ACM Opinion

Software Engineering in Physics Research

Software Engineering in Physics Research

A discussion on how physics research scientists use software.

From ACM Opinion

Scientists Increasingly Cannot Explain How AI Works

Scientists Increasingly Cannot Explain How AI Works

AI researchers are warning developers to focus more on how and why a system produces certain results than the fact that the system can accurately and rapidly produce them.

From Communications of the ACM

An Emergent Legal Right to Repair Electronic Devices

An Emergent Legal Right to Repair Electronic Devices

Parsing the fine print on repair tolerances.

From Communications of the ACM

Mobile-App Privacy Nutrition Labels Missing Key Ingredients for Success

Mobile-App Privacy Nutrition Labels Missing Key Ingredients for Success

Android and iOS privacy labels confuse developers and end users.

From Communications of the ACM

What Must All Post-Secondary Students Learn about Computing?

What Must All Post-Secondary Students Learn about Computing?

Expanding students' understanding of computing's potential.

From Communications of the ACM

Rethinking Silicon Valley: Stewart Brand's Lost Journal

Rethinking Silicon Valley

Discovering a hidden chapter in computing history.

From Communications of the ACM

Intelligent Futures in Task Assistance

Intelligent Futures in Task Assistance

Applying lessons learned developing and deploying task management software.

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