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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

November 2023

From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Chris Young on Bringing AI to Main Street

Microsoft's Chris Young on Bringing AI to Main Street

Christopher Young, Microsoft's top strategy executive, views non-tech customers as artificial intelligence's big untapped market.

From Communications of the ACM

Legal Challenges to Generative AI, Part II

Legal Challenges to Generative AI, Part II

Deliberating on inconclusive AI-generated policy questions.

From Communications of the ACM

On Being a Computer Science Communicator

On Being a Computer Science Communicator

Facilitating more effective public engagement with a computer science perspective.

From Communications of the ACM

The Gamification of Academia

The Gamification of Academia

Gaming the system.

From Communications of the ACM

Machine Learning Sensors

Machine Learning Sensors

A design paradigm for the future of intelligent sensors.

From Communications of the ACM

Privacy in the Age of AI

Privacy in the Age of AI

What has changed and what should we do about it?

From Communications of the ACM

The Infrapolitics of Algorithmic Resistance

The Infrapolitics of Algorithmic Resistance

Exploring the complex interactions between humans and machines governed by algorithms.

From Communications of the ACM

Rethinking Conference Formats

Rethinking Conference Formats

Suggesting a conference format better suited for both onsite and virtual conferences.

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