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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2008

From Communications of the ACM

CTO Virtualization Roundtable: Part II

CTO Virtualization Roundtable

When it comes to virtualization platforms, experts say focus first on the services to be delivered.

From Communications of the ACM

Time to Take Evolutionary Development Off the Shelf

Time to Take Evolutionary Development Off the Shelf

Large systems projects are failing at an alarming rate. It's time to take evolutionary design methods off the shelf.

From Communications of the ACM

Database Dialogue with Pat Selinger

Database Dialogue with Pat Selinger

Relational database pioneer Patricia G. Selinger explores the vast realm of database technology and trends in a wide-ranging discussion with Microsoft's James Hamilton.

From Communications of the ACM

Emerging Markets: Labor Supply in the Indian IT Industry

Emerging Markets: Labor Supply in the Indian IT Industry

Exploring the evolving dynamics and interconnectedness of India's educational system and its IT work force.

From Communications of the ACM

Kode Vicious: Permanence and Change

Kode Vicious: Permanence and Change

Highlighting the importance of doing one's best in view of code longevity and the impermanence of the changineer.

From Communications of the ACM

Advising Policymakers Is More Than Just Providing Advice

Advising Policymakers Is More Than Just Providing Advice

What are the factors that make certain advisory committee reports successful while others are not?

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