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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

February 2024

From Communications of the ACM

Autocorrect Is Not: People Are Multilingual and Computer Science Should Be Too

Autocorrect Is Not: People Are Multilingual and Computer Science Should Be Too

Considering the interconnection of computing and human languages.

From Communications of the ACM

Leveraging Professional Ethics for Responsible AI

Leveraging Professional Ethics for Responsible AI

Applying AI techniques to journalism.

From Communications of the ACM

How the AI Boom Went Bust

How the AI Boom Went Bust

Fallout from an exploding bubble of hype triggered the real AI Winter in the late 1980s.

From Communications of the ACM

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

On keeping a laboratory notebook.

From Communications of the ACM

Gaining Benefit from Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: A Three-Part Framework

Gaining Benefit from Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: A Three-Part Framework

Why ethics is not enough.

From Communications of the ACM

Virtual and the Future of Conferences

Virtual and the Future of Conferences

Making conferences more accessible.

From Communications of the ACM

Undergraduate Computer Science Curricula

Undergraduate Computer Science Curricula

First-job readiness versus long-term career preparation.

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    SIGMAP '19    
    SIGMAP '19 16th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia …
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