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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2023

From ACM Opinion

Francis Enyi on Bridging the Healthcare Deficit in Africa

Francis Enyi on Bridging the Healthcare Deficit in Africa

Francis Enyi, a senior program analyst with Delta State University Teaching Hospital in Nigeri, discusses how his team of software developers, medical personnel, and linguists are bridging the deficit of healthcare personnel …

From Communications of the ACM

Learning to Live with Privacy-Preserving Analytics

Learning to Live with Privacy-Preserving Analytics

Seeking to close the gap between research and real-world applications of PPAs.

From Communications of the ACM

Fragility in AIs Using Artificial Neural Networks

Fragility in AIs Using Artificial Neural Networks

Suggesting ways to reduce fragility in AI systems that include artificial neural networks.

From Communications of the ACM

Lost in Afghanistan: Can the World Take ICT4D Seriously?

Lost in Afghanistan: Can the World Take ICT4D Seriously?

Seeking to maximize the value of information and communication technologies for development research.

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    MobiCom '19 The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …
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