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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2019

From ACM Opinion

Don't Fear the Terminator

Don't Fear the Terminator

The fear that artificial intelligence machines could become our overlords — or perhaps wipe us out altogether — reflects a misunderstanding of AI.

From ACM Opinion

Hackathon Victor on Laying Foundations and CS Support Systems

Hackathon Victor on Laying Foundations and CS Support Systems

Oluchi Chukwunyere, a computer-science major at North Carolina A&T State University, helped lead a team of four students to a First Place victory at the Black Enterprise 2019 BE SMART Hackathon. She discusses the competition …

From ACM Opinion

The Danger of Thinking We're All 'Addicted' to Tech

The Danger of Thinking We're All 'Addicted' to Tech

Telling ourselves that devices and platforms "hijack" our brains promotes passivity instead of empowerment.

From ACM Careers

Computer Scientist David Gelernter Wants To Revolutionize Social Media

Computer Scientist David Gelernter Wants To Revolutionize Social Media

David Gelernter, a computer science professor at Yale, is concerned with the amount of power Facebook holds thanks to the data handed over to the social media giant by its users.

From ACM Opinion

How STEM Education Must Evolve

How STEM Education Must Evolve

STEM curricula must be enhanced so graduates have a deeper understanding of how their work affects humanity.

From ACM Opinion

How the Firm Behind Many Store Credit Cards Is Using AI to Fight Fraud

How the Firm Behind Many Store Credit Cards Is Using AI to Fight Fraud

Synchrony deploys AI to speed up operations including credit approvals and fraud detection. Chief Information Officer Carol Juel has led the undertaking.

From ACM Opinion

A Day in the Life of a Programmer

A Day in the Life of a Programmer

DataSine co-founder and CTO Chris Loy and Front End Engineer Jenny Wem answer questions about life as a programmer, the challenges they face, how things have changed, and what advice they have for programmers of the future.

From ACM Opinion

How to Build Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust

How to Build Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust

Computer systems need to understand time, space and causality. Right now they don't.

From ACM Opinion

Why American Workers Need to Be Protected From Automation

Why American Workers Need to Be Protected From Automation

Bill de Blasio, New York City mayor and a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, says that as president he would issue a robot tax for corporations displacing humans, and create a federal agency to oversee…

From ACM Opinion

Hackers Needed To Defeat Hackers

Hackers Needed To Defeat Hackers

In an online world infested with hackers, we need more hackers.

From ACM Opinion

Wouldn't It Be Great If People Could Vote on the Blockchain?

Wouldn't It Be Great If People Could Vote on the Blockchain?

Mobile voting could increase voter participation, but it's plagued by security issues in search of a solution.

From ACM Opinion

Big Tech's 'Innovations' That Aren't

Big Tech's 'Innovations' That Aren't

Silicon Valley's giants are no longer producing better products and services. They're exploiting people.

From Communications of the ACM

Internet Immunity and the Freedom to Code

Internet Immunity and the Freedom to Code

A call to preserve the capability of developing the next generation of Internet services.

From Communications of the ACM

Online Voting: We Can Do It! (We Have To)

Online Voting

Seeking to make online voting more secure than today's flawed paper systems.

From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Andrew Odlyzko on Cyber Security

An Interview with Andrew Odlyzko on Cyber Security

Is a "Cyber Pearl Harbor" any greater a risk than a natural disaster? How shall we prioritize our preparations for a cyber disaster?

From Communications of the ACM

Bitwise: A Life in Code


Data science as a paradox.

From Communications of the ACM

Inspired by the Home of the Future

Inspired by the Home of the Future

2018 ACM Prize in Computing recipient Shwetak Patel pushes old tools to new heights.

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