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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2023

From ACM Opinion

Can AI In School Help Students Be More Creative and Self-Directed?

Can AI In School Help Students Be More Creative and Self-Directed?

In an interview, University of Washington associate professor Katie Davis discusses her book, "Technology's Child," her research, and how generative AI might support learning.

From Communications of the ACM

The Smallness of Large Language Models

The Smallness of Large Language Models

There is so much more to language and human beings than large language models can possibly master.

From Communications of the ACM

Rebutting Rebuttals

Rebutting Rebuttals

Evaluating the impact of the conference review rebuttal process.

From Communications of the ACM

Closing Our Digital Divides

Closing Our Digital Divides

Seeking a more efficient path to improved broadband Internet access.

From Communications of the ACM

Coming of Age

Coming of Age

Stressing the importance of threat models.

From Communications of the ACM

Dilemma of the Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Landscape

Dilemma of the Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Landscape

Navigating the complex and varying AI regulatory landscape.

From Communications of the ACM

We Need to Focus on How Our Data Is Used, Not Just How It Is Shared

We Need to Focus on How Our Data Is Used, Not Just How It Is Shared

Toward better understanding of the different ways data circulates between users and platforms.

From Communications of the ACM

Can Crowdsourcing Rescue the Social Marketplace of Ideas?

Can Crowdsourcing Rescue the Social Marketplace of Ideas?

How collaborative designs and community-based moderation could improve social media.

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    ICER '19 International Computing Education Research Conference August 12 - …
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