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The Speed Camera that Doesn't Just Check Your Speed

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Will new, more sophisticated speed cameras bring discipline to our highways?

91RS / Flickr

Everyone knows that speed cameras work.

They create the discipline of a lissom lady in leather and make sure everyone understands just what the rules are. In fact, some people are so in awe of speed cameras' discipline that they develop speed camera phobia and try to steer clear of them whenever possible.

This being a troubled world, there are those who believe that these marvels of technology are merely there to make money for local authorities. So what can these troubled people say to the fact that Arizona has removed its speed cameras because it couldn't make them pay? Well, they could say that Arizonans simply weren't too keen on paying their tickets.

Now, though, speed camera technology is going a little further. My heart began to chug beyond all speed limits when I read in the Daily Mail that there are new speed cameras, ones that don't merely check your speed.

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