In a recent briefing to Congress about worldwide threats, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said that the danger of cyberattacks will equal or surpass the danger of terrorism "in the foreseeable future." What makes that assessment particularly alarming is that the United States may be as unprepared to defend some of its critical computer systems as it was to protect New York and Washington against al-Qaeda before Sept. 11, 2001.
From The Washington Post
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Mueller says the danger of cyberattacks will equal or surpass the danger of terrorism in the foreseeable future. Really?
How many terrorist attacks have their been in the last ten years. Here's Bruce Schneier's analysis:
"The risk of dying in the U.S. from terrorism is substantially less than the risk of drowning in your bathtub, the risk of a home appliance killing you, or the risk of dying in an accident caused by a deer. Remember that more people die every month in automobile crashes than died in 9/11."
How many cyber attacks have there been in the last ten years and at what cost? Just think of all the security companies, defense contractors and businesses that were hacked last year. At the same Congressional briefing the U.S. Director of National Intelligence said the the U.S. economy is losing upwards of $300 billion per year because of rampant cyber-espionage.
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