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What Stewart Brand Sees on the Horizon

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Technology pioneer Stewart Brand in 2016.

"The opprobrium that came on Twitter and Facebook and so on has sort of paid off. They are putting serious time and money and people into trying to alleviate the worst offenses." -Stewart Brand

Credit: Mark Maheny/Redux

Stewart Brand coined the term "personal computer" in 1974, several years after writing an article for Rolling Stone in which he predicted that computers would be the next important trend after psychedelic drugs.

In an interview, Brand discusses several new projects he is working on. One is the Clock of the Long Now, a monument-scale mechanical clock built inside a mountain and designed to keep accurate time for the next 10,000 years without human intervention. The other is called Revive & Restore, a project he created with his wife, Ryan Phelan, to use advanced technologies in support of efforts to protect endangered species and possibly revive extinct ones.

From The New York Times
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