"Some people will embed technology into themselves. I already know people with RFID chips embedded in themselves," says Kenexa Chief Executive Rudy Karsan.
Credit: AME Info
Kenexa CEO Rudy Karsan, a fellow of the Society of Actuaries, predicts that technology will become increasingly customized and personal, potentially even leading to the end of TV sets and the rise of individualized entertainment consoles. He says that by 2012, some people will start embedding technology into themselves, such as a miniature phone connected to the ear canal and jawbone. People are already embedding themselves with radio frequency identification chips, Karsan notes.
By 2020, nanotechnology and attotechnology, which is even smaller, will have a major influence on business, and the time necessary to write safety-critical software, like that used by air traffic controllers, will be far less, though the software will be significantly more bug-free. People will ingest devices for various purposes, possibly including nanobots that carry spare oxygen for people, allowing them to survive underwater or in dangerous situations.
Software will become increasingly smart and less visible, with users thinking more in terms of the content they put in and the desired outcomes, instead of the work that needs to take place to generate those outcomes. Karsan says analytical software will allow companies to determine how their top performers think and how they can get other employees to replicate those behaviors.
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