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Lenovo's Quest to Be Cool
From ACM Careers

Lenovo's Quest to Be Cool

China's Lenovo is on a roll. It has just been named the world's number one PC seller, and it has rapidly won the number two spot in mobile phones in its home market...

Linus Torvalds: Linux Succeeded Thanks to Selfishness and Trust
From ACM Opinion

Linus Torvalds: Linux Succeeded Thanks to Selfishness and Trust

Linux creator Linus Torvalds has won the Millennium Technology Prize and an accompanying cheque for 600,000 euros ($756,000; £486,000) from the Technology Academy...

The World's Five Biggest Cyber Threats
From ACM News

The World's Five Biggest Cyber Threats

Criminals do not stop at stealing someone's personal data.

The Man Who Invented the Microprocessor
From ACM News

The Man Who Invented the Microprocessor

Ted Hoff saved his own life, sort of. Deep inside this 73-year-old lies a microprocessor—a tiny computer that controls his pacemaker and, in turn, his heart.
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