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Saving the Net from the Surveillance State: Glenn Greenwald Speaks ­p
From ACM Opinion

Saving the Net from the Surveillance State: Glenn Greenwald Speaks ­p

Big Brother may be watching you. But Glenn Greenwald is watching Big Brother.

Markus 'notch' Persson: The Mind Behind Minecraft
From ACM Opinion

Markus 'notch' Persson: The Mind Behind Minecraft

Markus Persson, known also by the online handle "Notch," is an indie game success story like no other.

Lavabit Founder Says He Fought Feds to Protect the Constitution
From ACM Opinion

Lavabit Founder Says He Fought Feds to Protect the Constitution

Like a story straight out of the universe of Franz Kafka, Lavabit founder Ladar Levison found himself before a judge in Washington, representing himself against...

Life on Mars: Down But Not Out Says Mars Society Founder
From ACM Opinion

Life on Mars: Down But Not Out Says Mars Society Founder

Hopes of alien life on Mars were dashed Thursday when a paper published in the journal Scienceconcluded that the Curiosity rover has yet to find any methane gas...

VCs Doerr and Khosla on Gov't Snooping: It's a Tradeoff
From ACM Opinion

VCs Doerr and Khosla on Gov't Snooping: It's a Tradeoff

Two of the most influential venture capitalists in Silicon Valley, John Doerr and Vinod Khosla, weighed in on the current controversy government surveillance, contending...

Google Security Exec: 'passwords Are Dead'
From ACM Opinion

Google Security Exec: 'passwords Are Dead'

New startups looking for ways to keep their users secure should know one thing, a top Google security executive said Tuesday: "Passwords are dead."

Bill Gates 'not Satisfied' with Microsoft's Innovations
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates 'not Satisfied' with Microsoft's Innovations

Although Bill Gates stepped away from his day-to-day role at Microsoft nearly five years ago, he still keeps a close eye on the company he co-founded—and he isn't...

Tim Cook Says Apple Has No Limits
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook Says Apple Has No Limits

Don't tell Apple it can't do something.

Meet the Man Who Would Make Blackberry Apps Cool
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Would Make Blackberry Apps Cool

Alec Saunders needed a little bait.

Google's Kurzweil on Teaching Human Language to Computers
From ACM Opinion

Google's Kurzweil on Teaching Human Language to Computers

Famed inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil joined Google last month to work on "some of the hardest problems in computer science," specifically machine learning and...

Nest Ceo Fadell: Internet of Things Is a Decade Away
From ACM Opinion

Nest Ceo Fadell: Internet of Things Is a Decade Away

It will take 10 years before the "Internet of things" catches on widely, said Nest Labs Chief Executive Tony Fadell, whose smart-thermostat startup embodies the...

Amazon's Bezos: Maybe the Most Second-Guessed Genius in Tech
From ACM Opinion

Amazon's Bezos: Maybe the Most Second-Guessed Genius in Tech

Jeff Bezos is fond of a line that he wrote in a note to Amazon's shareholders in 1997: "We will make bold rather than timid investment decisions where we see a...

Apple-Samsung Jury Foreman Recalls 'aha! Moment'
From ACM Opinion

Apple-Samsung Jury Foreman Recalls 'aha! Moment'

According to Velvin Hogan, the 67-year-old foreman of the jury in the U.S. trial between the Apple and Samsung, one of the turning points in group's journey to came...

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming

Jay Parikh is happy to never get a call from Mark Zuckerberg. Why? It means he's doing his job well. As the vice president of infrastructure engineering at Facebook...

Meet the Intel Man Who's Out to Beat Arm in Smartphones
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Intel Man Who's Out to Beat Arm in Smartphones

It's not often you meet someone in the tech industry for whom the only way is up, but Intel's Michael A. Bell is one of those people.

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization

 It's been an action-packed two years since Jeff Jaffe took over as the World Wide Web Consortium's chief executive, but more action is the order of the day at...

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots
From ACM Opinion

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots

It's no surprise that uber-geek and iRobot CEO Colin Angle is a Star Wars fan.

Kevin Mitnick Shows How Easy It Is to Hack a Phone
From ACM News

Kevin Mitnick Shows How Easy It Is to Hack a Phone

British tabloid News of the World said it is closing down over a phone hacking scandal in which workers for the Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper allegedly snooped...

Ralph Langner on Stuxnet, Copycat Threats
From ACM News

Ralph Langner on Stuxnet, Copycat Threats

A year ago, Ralph Langner was plugging away in relative obscurity, doing security consulting work for the industrial control system industry in his Hamburg headquarters...

Arm Ceo on Microsoft, Tech's Rise
From ACM Opinion

Arm Ceo on Microsoft, Tech's Rise

ARM chief executive Warren East discusses major announcements from Microsoft, Nvidia, and Motorola involving his company and its chip architecture.
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