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Android Programming's ­ps and Downs
From ACM Opinion

Android Programming's ­ps and Downs

As smartphones using Google's Android operating system become mainstream, James Steele and Nelson To are in a pretty good position.

Intel's Andy Grove on Manufacturing in America
From ACM News

Intel's Andy Grove on Manufacturing in America

Among the scores of fabless chip companies and product design houses in Silicon Valley, Intel is a standout. It's an American high-tech company that not only...

Catching ­p with Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han
From ACM News

Catching ­p with Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han

When it comes to the future of technology, Jeff Han literally has his finger on the pulse.

Ncsa Director: Gpu Is Future of Supercomputing
From ACM News

Ncsa Director: Gpu Is Future of Supercomputing

The director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications has seen the future of supercomputing and it can be summed up in three letters: GPU.

Robotics Engineer Aims to Give Robots a Humane Touch
From ACM TechNews

Robotics Engineer Aims to Give Robots a Humane Touch

Georgia Institute of Technology robotics engineer Ronald Arkin has dedicated his life's work to the development of ethical battlefield robots embedded with a sense...
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