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subjectCommunications / Networking
authorThe New York Times

Megan Smith: 'you Can Affect Billions of People'
From ACM Opinion

Megan Smith: 'you Can Affect Billions of People'

Now that you work at the White House, approximately how many times a day do you find yourself thinking, God, we did this so much better at Google?

The Robot in the Cloud: A Conversation With Ken Goldberg
From ACM TechNews

The Robot in the Cloud: A Conversation With Ken Goldberg

University of California, Berkeley professor Ken Goldberg is establishing a research center that will focus on developing surgical robots.

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell
From ACM Opinion

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell

Genevieve Bell grew up among Aboriginal people in Australia, taught anthropology at Stanford and for the past 16 years has worked for Intel.

New N.s.a. Chief Calls Damage From Snowden Leaks Manageable
From ACM Opinion

New N.s.a. Chief Calls Damage From Snowden Leaks Manageable

The newly installed director of the National Security Agency says that while he has seen some terrorist groups alter their communications to avoid surveillance...

Larry Page on Google's Many Arms
From ACM Opinion

Larry Page on Google's Many Arms

One way to think of Google is as an extremely helpful, all-knowing, hyper-intelligent executive assistant.

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy
From ACM Opinion

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy

When Steven P. Jobs led Apple, he created a core principle for the company's designers and engineers: stay fully focused on making great products.

An Iphone Engineer-Turned-Game Maker Shares His Apple Story
From ACM Opinion

An Iphone Engineer-Turned-Game Maker Shares His Apple Story

A Conversation With Danah Boyd, Author of 'it's Complicated,' About Teenagers Online
From ACM Opinion

A Conversation With Danah Boyd, Author of 'it's Complicated,' About Teenagers Online

Danah Boyd is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, a research assistant professor in Media, Culture and Communication at New York University, and a fellow...

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role
From ACM Opinion

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role

Q. What leadership lessons have you learned from your predecessor, Steve Ballmer?

Ann Cavoukian
From ACM Opinion

Ann Cavoukian

Ann Cavoukian is the information and privacy commissioner in Ontario, Canada, and a longtime advocate of default online confidentiality.

Viewing Where the Internet Goes
From ACM Opinion

Viewing Where the Internet Goes

Will 2014 be the year that the Internet is reined in?

Google Puts Money on Robots, ­sing the Man Behind Android
From ACM Opinion

Google Puts Money on Robots, ­sing the Man Behind Android

In an out-of-the-way Google office, two life-size humanoid robots hang suspended in a corner.

Nest's Tony Fadell on Smart Objects, and the Singularity of Innovation
From ACM Opinion

Nest's Tony Fadell on Smart Objects, and the Singularity of Innovation

Tony Fadell is the founder and chief executive of Nest, a company that is trying to bring a high-end technology experience to some of the most prosaic areas of...

Dina Katabi
From ACM Opinion

Dina Katabi

Syrian-born Dina Katabi is a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She was awarded a MacArthur last...

N.s.a. Director Gives Firm and Broad Defense of Surveillance Efforts
From ACM Opinion

N.s.a. Director Gives Firm and Broad Defense of Surveillance Efforts

The director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Keith B. Alexander, said in an interview that to prevent terrorist attacks he saw no effective alternative to...

A Conversation With Lavabit's Founder
From ACM Opinion

A Conversation With Lavabit's Founder

In a video interview, Lavabit founder Ladar Levison discusses how he has become a symbol in the backlash against U.S. government spying.

The Science Author Clive Thompson Does Not Think Tech Is Ruining Your Mind
From ACM TechNews

The Science Author Clive Thompson Does Not Think Tech Is Ruining Your Mind

Technology writer Clive Thompson believes technology is improving human intelligence. 

Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid
From ACM Opinion

Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid

It's electrifying.

In Head-Hunting, Big Data May Not Be Such a Big Deal
From ACM Careers

In Head-Hunting, Big Data May Not Be Such a Big Deal

Q. How is Big Data being used more in the leadership and management field? 

Telecom's Big Players Hold Back the Future
From ACM Opinion

Telecom's Big Players Hold Back the Future

If you were going to look for ground zero in the fight against a rapidly consolidating telecom and cable industry, you might end up on the fifth floor of the Benjamin...
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