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authorThe New York Times

Mark Pincus Thinks Angry Birds Won't Hurt Your Kids
From ACM Opinion

Mark Pincus Thinks Angry Birds Won't Hurt Your Kids

You are the founder and C.E.O. of Zynga, a company responsible for addictive games like FarmVille and the forthcoming Draw Something 2. You know, every time I see...

The Era of Deep Archiving Begins
From ACM Opinion

The Era of Deep Archiving Begins

As a Dartmouth student in the early 1970s, William McDonough went, somewhat casually, to hear a lecture by a visiting celebrity. Mr. McDonough had little idea beforehand...

The Boy Wonder of Buzzfeed
From ACM Opinion

The Boy Wonder of Buzzfeed

"BenSmithing is now an official term!" shouted Michael Hastings, a BuzzFeed reporter and author, at his book release party in Chelsea on a subfreezing night in...

After Adding Online Privacy Protections, F.t.c. Chief Resigns
From ACM Opinion

After Adding Online Privacy Protections, F.t.c. Chief Resigns

Jon Leibowitz, the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, said on Thursday that he would resign effective mid-February.

Ben Horowitz on the Impact of Software Everywhere
From ACM Opinion

Ben Horowitz on the Impact of Software Everywhere

Ben Horowitz may have the skeleton key to the decimation—sorry, transformation—of our economic and political lives.

Planning His Legacy, Cisco Chief Maps an Expansion
From ACM Opinion

Planning His Legacy, Cisco Chief Maps an Expansion

John T. Chambers has readied his last great act as the leader of Cisco Systems, fearing major changes in the technology business that could doom his company.

Killing the Computer to Save It
From ACM Opinion

Killing the Computer to Save It

Many people cite Albert Einstein's aphorism "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." Only a handful, however, have had the opportunity...

Mow Yard. Drop Off Kids. Take a Drive on Mars.
From ACM Careers

Mow Yard. Drop Off Kids. Take a Drive on Mars.

Matt Heverly, 36, started a recent workday as any young father might: up at 5:30, gulping coffee, fixing a bottle for the baby. 

One Course, 150,000 Students
From ACM TechNews

One Course, 150,000 Students

MIT professor Anant Agarwal recently completed teaching Circuits and Electronics, the first course in MITx, a massive open online learning platform from MIT, which...

From ACM Opinion

Looking Backward to Put New Technologies in Focus

More than most of us, the science historian George Dyson spends his days thinking about technologies, old and very new.

How the Aol-Time Warner Merger Went So Wrong
From ACM Opinion

How the Aol-Time Warner Merger Went So Wrong

A decade ago, America Online merged with Time Warner in a deal valued at a stunning $350 billion. It was then, and is now, the largest merger in American business...
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