Keith Alexander, the recently retired director of the National Security Agency, left many in Washington slack-jawed when it was reported that he might charge companies...Foreign Policy From ACM Opinion | July 31, 2014
As an academic, Cynthia Breazeal pioneered research into social interaction between humans and robots, developing Kismet, a robot that used facial expressions in...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | July 18, 2014
When a chatbot called Eugene Goostman passed Alan Turing's famous measure of machine intelligence in June by posing as a Ukrainian teenager with questionable language...Motherboard From ACM Opinion | July 10, 2014
You know when you dial a number, and a man reads you the exact time at the tone? That precise timekeeping starts at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.NPR From ACM Careers | July 7, 2014
Revelations by Edward Snowden about U.S. surveillance continue to shake Germany more than one year after he came forward as a National Security Agency whistleblower...Democracy Now! From ACM Opinion | July 2, 2014
The newly installed director of the National Security Agency says that while he has seen some terrorist groups alter their communications to avoid surveillance...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | June 30, 2014
The big announcements at Google's I/O event in San Francisco Wednesday didn't mention Web search, the technology that got the company started and made it so successful...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | June 30, 2014
One way to think of Google is as an extremely helpful, all-knowing, hyper-intelligent executive assistant.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | June 27, 2014
As he puts it in the subtitle of his memoir, "Neanderthal Man," Svante Paabo goes in search of lost genomes.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | June 26, 2014
At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, Samsung introduced new software for its tablets, called the Magazine UX.Bloomberg Businessweek From ACM Opinion | June 26, 2014
In the eight years since rolled out its cloud-computing business, Amazon Web Services, this has grown from a side project that took advantage of the...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | June 24, 2014
John M. (Mike) McConnell says that technology alone isn't enough to secure corporate networks from pervasive and increasingly damaging cyberattacks.The Wall Street Journal From ACM Opinion | June 23, 2014
Richard Clarke served as the nation's top counterterrorism official under presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush before resigning in 2003 in protest of the...Democracy Now! From ACM Opinion | June 9, 2014
Six years ago, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decided that they had a new dream. The agency wanted a system that would overlay digital tactical...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | May 29, 2014
The Internet's eyes turned to the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday, as the panel approved a plan to consider allowing Internet service providers to...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | May 19, 2014
Since Edward Snowden's revelations about government surveillence, we know more about how the National Security Agency has been interpreting Section 215 of the Patriot...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | May 16, 2014
Recently retired director of the U.S. National Security Agency and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command General Keith Alexander was interviewed by Australian Financial...The Australian Financial Review From ACM Opinion | May 8, 2014