While it can be a blast going to see the latest Hollywood sci-fi thriller, watching it along with a leading expert in the science and technology fields relevant...Re/Code From ACM Opinion | May 2, 2014
When he was in elementary school, Scott Aaronson, like many mathematically precocious kids of his generation, dreamed of making his own video games.MIT News Office From ACM Opinion | April 7, 2014
This year's winner of the Turing Award—often referred to as the Nobel Prize of computing—was announced yesterday as Leslie Lamport, a computer scientist whose research...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | March 19, 2014
HealthCare.gov, the Web site at the center of President Obama's federal health insurance exchange, has been plagued with problems since it opened for business Oct...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | October 22, 2013
The Code.org founder discusses his first program, inspirations, and "seizing the day."Lawrence Snyder From Communications of the ACM | September 1, 2013
The Open Tree of Life project aims to develop an open source compendium of existing knowledge on thousands of plant and animal species. SmartPlanet From ACM TechNews | July 31, 2013
Anthropologist E. Gabriella Coleman, author of Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking, is fascinated by hacker culture, and with its notion that software...Karen A. Frenkel From ACM News | April 15, 2013
Big data will change training in all corporate units, says Michael Rappa, who created the first U.S. post graduate program in data analytics.Computerworld From ACM Opinion | October 25, 2012
What do you do after you make that thing that changes the world? If you’re Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and you breathed life into the World Wide Web, you make sure itthe...Time From ACM Opinion | September 5, 2012
Harvey Mudd College president Maria Klawe talks about increasing the number of women who study computer science.
Leah Hoffmann From Communications of the ACM | September 1, 2012
Artificial intelligence pioneer Judea Pearl discusses probability, causation, the calculus of intervention, and counterfactuals.
Leah Hoffmann From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2012
ACM CEO John White talks about initiatives to serve the organization's professional members, increase international activities, and reform computer science education...Leah Hoffmann From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2012
Censorship is the biggest threat to the development of the Internet, according to Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales.BBC News From ACM News | November 7, 2011
Software is the core technology behind a dramatic acceleration in all areas of science, and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the science community...HPC Wire From ACM TechNews | August 15, 2011
University of Washington (UW) professor Oren Etzioni recently called on the international academic community and engineers to be more ambitious in designing how...niversity of Washington News From ACM TechNews | August 5, 2011
Marko Rodriguez and Peter Neubauer, the leaders of the TinkerPop open-source graph software initiative, discuss the project, its members, and its goals.ODBMS Industry Watch From ACM Opinion | June 24, 2011
David Ferrucci’s official title is "IBM Fellow and Leader of the Semantic Analysis and Integration Department at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center." But to the...The Computing Community Consortium Blog From ACM News | June 8, 2011
Steve Furber, designer of the seminal BBC Microcomputer System and the widely used ARM microprocessor, reflects on his career.Jason Fitzpatrick From Communications of the ACM | May 1, 2011
Information flows everywhere, through wires and genes, through brain cells and quarks. But while it may appear ubiquitous to us now, until recently we had no...Wired From ACM Opinion | March 29, 2011